C LASSROOM R ULES 1. Be respectful. When the teacher is talking, students are not. Raise your hand to get permission to speak. Respect others and treat them how you want to be treated. Comments made in class should pertain to class. Stay in your seat unless given permission. All students must be quiet during classroom announcements.
2. B E PREPARED FOR CLASS. When you come to class you should: Arrive on time. Get out your homework. Copy the warm-up problem and objective in your notebook. Solve the warm-up problem. Always bring your book, notebook, calculator and a writing utensil.
3. N O F OOD OR D RINK IN CLASS There is no food or drink allowed in the classroom. If you are eating breakfast during 1 st period you MUST purchase it before the tardy bell rings.
C ONSEQUENCES : 1st offense – Verbal warning 2nd offense – Documented written warning and parents notified 3rd offense – After School Detention, parents contacted
P ARTICIPATION : Be prepared for class including being in your seat when the bell rings, having homework, notebook, calculator, and pencil on your desk. Work on warm-up problem daily. Raise your hand to be recognized. Participate in class discussions. Follow classroom rules.
N OTEBOOK : Participation and Notebooks account for 85 points each 9 weeks. This is the equivalent of one major test grade.
N OTEBOOK REQUIREMENTS : You are responsible for maintaining a notebook. Each day when you arrive in class you should write the date, objective and homework in your notebook. You should then start the warm-up for the day. Your notebook will keep you organized and efficient when completing homework. Your notebook is an excellent resource for completing homework and studying for tests including your semester and final. Notebooks should be neat and organized like a book.
W HAT YOUR NOTEBOOK SHOULD LOOK LIKE : 8/31/10 Objective: To identify numerical and variable expressions HW: pg. 6-7 #4-10, 19-22, 30-34, NOTES /1/10
H OMEWORK : Homework can be worth a possible of 90 points for each 9 week grading period. This is the equivalent of one major exam.
Q UIZZES, T ESTS & P ROJECTS : Quizzes are worth approximately points each. Tests are worth from points each. Projects are graded according to rubrics and can be worth points.
M ISSED C LASS : If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get your assignments. Check my webspace for notes and information. Any missed tests MUST be taken within 3 days of the absence.
T UTORING : I am available to tutor before and after school and during 9 th period. See me for a pass. If you are receiving a failing grade, you may be required to attend tutoring during homeroom and/or club period. See me before it gets to this point!
Be Respectful Be Prepared Be on Time