TITLE OF PROJECT NAMES OF STUDENTS NAME OF THE SCHOOL Biotechnology & Pharmaceutical sciences; Earth & Environmental Sciences; Health Sciences; Life Sciences; Physical & Mathematical Sciences; Computing & Engineering;
Introduction and Predictions The introduction introduces what the project is or the question being asked is. The introduction is normally written in such a way as to grab the attention of the readers (ex. Have you ever wondered…100,000 dead….What is up with all the….. One trick is to predict what you think will happen or what the results should be. Another trick is to explain what the benefits of your project are or how realistic it would be to do your project in the real world. (1 - 5 sentence paragraph minimum)
Methods The Methods section describes exactly (step by step) what you will do in your project. It is normally written in such a way that the readers, if they choose, could duplicate the entire study. (Step 1 -, Step 2 -, etc….) - MULTIPLE PARAGRAPHS
Pictures ($4.50 or $9.00 needed) Colorful pictures and or charts to add on to your poster board.
Results The Results section gives the main results. The text can be accompanied by tables and/or figures. If tables or figures are present, they must have a title, and their columns or axes must be well identified. What were the results of the experiment? Conclusion of what you found for your research.
Discussion The Discussion (or Conclusion) section is the place to interpret the results, to say what one thinks of the results (the "good" and the "bad") and their implications. What worked? What didn’t work? Did your questions get answered about your model?
Bibliography The Bibliography lists the books, articles and other materials that were consulted and that pertain to the study. Schulz, Charles. "Peanuts Collection - Snoopy Cuddling Woodstock." Cartoon. Art.com.25 Apr &RFID=814547http:// &RFID=
3D Part 3D Part to work on.
Speech 2 to 3 minute speech on what you are going to show the public. What is going on at your table?