Ideas and objectives that inform your teaching Courses you teach Methods you use especially if innovative Effectiveness as teacher How you assess and improve your teaching RECORD TO DEMONSTRATE
Should be well organized, polished,clear a works in progress that will continue to revise as you progress in your academic career. selective rather than comprehensive and is NOT a holding place for all your teaching materials but presents syllabi, assignments and other materials that best illustrates your teaching approach and methods EDUCATION PORTFOLIO
Provides a clear, concise account of your teaching approach, methods, and expertise. Each statement should be unique. TEACHING PHILOSOPHY STATEMENT
1) Why do you teach? 2)What do you teach? 3) How do you teach? 4) How do you measure your effectiveness? GUIDELINES FOR TEACHING STATEMENT
Year(s) Nature of Mentoring/Advising Type of Individual(s) Mentored (med students, residents, graduate students, fellows, faculty, etc.) Number of Mentees/Year Selected Outcome Highlights from this Mentoring/Advising Activity ADVISING AND MENTORING GRID
EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP Type of Leadership or Administration (Dean, Department Leadership, Course Leadership, Program Leadership, Educational Committee Leader/Member) Title of Department, Course/Program or Educational Committee Title or Role (ie, Chairperson, Lead Instructor, Project Director, etc) Level of Department, Course/Program, or Educational Committee (departmental, institutional, local, state, regional, national, international) Year(s)
Type of Leadership or Administration (Dean, Department Leadership, Course Leadership, Program Leadership, Educational Committee Leader/Member) Title of Department, Course/Program or Educational Committee Title or Role (ie, Chairperson, Lead Instructor, Project Director, etc) Level of Department, Course/Program, or Educational Committee (departmental, institutional, local, state, regional, national, international) Year(s) EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND ADMINISTRATION
Please list all Educational Research & Scholarship, including peer-reviewed publications, posters, abstracts, book chapters, presentations, etc., that pertain to Education. (please be sure to include FULL references for all scholarship) EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP
Sample Syllabi Courses Taught (note if TA or course instructor) Courses Planned (tailor for specific applications) Sample Assignments and Assessments Essay assignments Exams Comments on student papers Evidence of Teaching Effectiveness Student evaluations Evaluations by faculty member or other observer Teaching awards Video of a class Evidence of Professional Development Teaching workshops, seminars, publications, etc. MANY EXAMPLES YOU CAN USE
Useful tool that can help you develop, clarify, and reflect on your teaching philosophy, methods, and approaches present teaching credentials for hiring and promotion in an academic position document professional development in teaching identify areas for improvement WHY CREATE A TEACHING PORTFOLIO ?
Begin as early as possible. Even before you set foot in the classroom as a Teaching Assistant or instructor, you should begin thinking about the ideas and objectives that will guide you when you do so. Reading articles and attending workshops on teaching will help you identify current issues and potential approaches. As you build your teaching experience, you should also be developing your portfolio, which you can then update, refine, and improve when you are entering the academic job market. May be requested to provide “teaching materials” or “evidence of teaching effectiveness” at some point in career. Sending Teaching portfolio is very effective WHEN SHOULD YOU BEGIN CREATING PORTFOLIO?
Teaching is a vital contribution for each regular faculty member, regardless of their track designation The sharing of knowledge that is accurate, balanced, current and stimulating is expected from each faculty member. The most important role of the teacher is to motivate and inspire learners. MUSC APT TEACHING GUIDELINES
Continuing pursuit of knowledge is a life-long habit for scholars. Clinical scholars, who have mastered a discipline related to patient care, teach in the ambulatory clinics and offices, at the bedside, in the emergency room, the operating and diagnostic procedure rooms. Mastery of their discipline allows clinical research-oriented scholars to formulate, test and report new ideas, apply new basic information to patient care, question clinical dogmas and evaluate the complexities of cause/effect relationships in the management of diseases scholars teach medical students, residents, and peers. resources/3.7.1_attachments/3.7.1_7_com_apt_policy.pdf MUSC APT TEACHING GUIDELINES