Know the Language Acronyms will now be a huge part of your everyday life. Become familiar with them. If you hear an acronym you don’t know NEVER feel.


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Presentation transcript:

Know the Language Acronyms will now be a huge part of your everyday life. Become familiar with them. If you hear an acronym you don’t know NEVER feel like you can’t ask for an explanation. Its better to learn something new then to leave still in the dark. Be brave this is a new adventure and the odds are you will have to fight for everything. When dealing with Doctors’, policy, and agencies you’ll find many of the acronyms are the same. The attached list should give you a good start.

Evaluation When: as a parent you will most likely be the first one to notice if your child is not meeting expected milestones. At this time you should begin taking notes and keeping a journal. Who: your Dr., ECI and PPCD 1) DR’s office 2) 0-3 ECI 3) 3-5 PPCD ECI is not an entitlement service. Charges are based on a sliding scale once qualification is established. PPCD is a free service if qualifications are met. What: In the early years 0-3 the evaluation will give you a medical diagnosis but from 3-5 that changes to a different set of qualifying label’s. They will now be more specific and directed toward an educational need. HOW: A referral can be submitted to DARS at any time no diagnosis is required. You will be assigned a case worker who will begin coordinating with you and your family. From 0-2 this could be in-home services or even some training at your MDO but will most likely just be support services however at 2 an IFSB will be developed. This will take your child from 2-5 and should be only the first of many transition plans you will help develop in your child’s life. Why: If you don’t no one else will… you may think you don’t need to reach out to the agencies but you will find your cash runs out quickly and insurance doesn’t cover your needs or if they do it will meet your max way before you realize.

Education Who: Your local school district through PPCD or a similar program. Head start can play a role at this time as well. Again it comes to you finding out what the options in your area are. What: When your child turns 3 whether or not they were an ECI program they are now eligible for evaluation/assessment through you’re your local education district. They may reevaluate and they will most likely give you some new labels to digest (remember these labels now pertain to education). An ARD committee will make the final decision concerning eligibility. If your child is qualified the ARD team will then begin to develop IEPS. How: If you were in an ECI program your coordinator should have this in your IFSB but if not you need to contact your local district and ask for your special ed service coordinator. Remember this service is supposed to be in the LRE so look around and find out who is offering what. When: Age 3 remember there are timelines for all of this. It is important that you are documenting all contacts. You will find links to help web sites that lay all this out.

Insurance and Health Care Who What Where When Why

Employment You may think at this age ??? Why does this matter to me?…” At this point its not the child's employment but yours that will be greatly effected Do your home work. you need to know your rights. What : Does Family Medical Leave apply? What happens when you have to take off work for Dr. appointments? When: the sooner the better, communicate with your employer. The better prepared they are the more likely they will be to work with you. Keeping in mind you don’t have to disclose anything you don’t want to. HOW: can you get this information? Your HR department should help you but if you don’t think your getting the best info you can find specifics on this webpage.

Community Who: Agencies, community groups, play groups. What ever route you take get connected. Why: Knowledge will allow the ability to be the best advocate possible. When your involved with a net work you don’t have to know it all you have a team. What: activities, socialization, partnering, networking Where: Use the internet find these opportunity. I could give you When: Its never to early

References and Links I could give you a ten page list of references but I’d prefer to just give the two I used to locate a wealth of information.