NAVFAC Southwest Jim Wink, P.E. CAPT, CEC, USN Executive Officer, NAVFAC Southwest Society of American Military Engineers November 2, 2010
2 NAVFAC Southwest
3 02 November 2010 PWD Coronado PWD San Diego PWD Point Loma MCRD PWD El Centro (BOS) PWD Monterey ROICC Barstow PWD Seal Beach PWD Ventura County PWD Lemoore ROICC San Francisco Bay PWD Fallon (BOS) PWD China Lake NAVFAC SW Area of Responsibility ROICC Travis OICC MCI West ROICC Camp Pendleton MCAS Camp Pendleton ROICC Miramar ROICC Twentynine Palms ROICC Yuma ROICC Bridgeport NOSC Denver NOSC FT Carson NOSC Albuquerque NOSC Salt Lake City NOSC Tuscon NOSC Phoenix NOSC Reno NOSC Sacramento NOSC San Diego NOSC North Island NOSC Alameda NOSC San Jose NOSC Los Angeles NOSC Moreno Valley NOSC Port Hueneme NOSC Point Mugu Navy Installation - 10 Marine Corps - 8 Installation Air Force Base – 1 Reserve Centers - 18
4 NAVFAC Southwest Supporting the Navy & Marine Corps Team CNRSW PRV$27.7B Acreage1,560,529 Buildings11,401 Other Structures8,860 Runways18 Piers57 Housing Owned Leased PPV ,665 MCI-West PRV$18.95B Acreage2,014,947 Structures13,621 Runways (w/ unimp)42 Piers1 Housing Owned PPV 74 9,712
5 NAVFAC Southwest +0.5B/yr FY09-FY11 02 November NAVFAC Southwest $3.3B EXECUTION FOR NAVFAC SW IN FY 2010: Delivered $495M in Navy Working Capital Fund direct labor services: -344,000 Facility Sustainment Actions Ship moves and 99,683 Crane lifts Awarded more than 8,400 contract actions worth $2.8B: -Awarded over $1.6B in September -11 MILCON Projects for $566M awarded on Sept 28th alone! Awarded 26 contract actions for over $500M in Recovery Act projects - Includes Camp Pendleton Naval Hospital awarded at $390M Delivered approximately $355M of Environmental Support -Represents 60% of environmental work accomplished by NAVFAC Worldwide. NAVFAC Southwest – FY 10 Execution
6 NAVFAC Southwest 02 November 2010 Major Products & Services Public Works (Ron Plaseied - (619) ) –Facility Sustainment –Utility and Energy Management –Base Support Vehicles & Equipment –Facility Services Asset Management (Aguilera, Susanah - (619) ) –Real Estate –Land & Installation Planning –Facilities Planning –Encroachment Management –Facilities Integrated Logistics Support –Real Property Acq, Mgmt & Disposal Capital Improvements (John Coon - (619) ) –Construction –Design A&E –Design In-House –Specialized Technical Services –Ocean Engineering Environmental (Bob Kirkbright - (619) ) –Environmental Planning/NEPA –Environmental Compliance & Conservation –Environmental Restoration –Sustainable Solid Waste Management
7 NAVFAC Southwest 02 November 2010 HVYHORZHVYHORZ WETUTILSWETUTILS Project Dollar Range Purchase Card WTRFRNT*WTRFRNT* F U E L S US DRYUTILSDRYUTILS Note: See contract for service area and task order range. 8(a) Sole Source Negotiated for T.O. of $2k-$3.5M may be used. Advertised as: AFLDPVGAFLDPVG 250MTBD300M 30M ea Unrestricted Set Aside * - New or replacement contract planned or under procurement 500M Capital Improvements Multiple Award Contract & Basic Ordering Agreement Regional Tools NoCal V-HubZ, $100M ($500k- $7.0M) SoCal,V-HubZ, $750M $7M-$30M $500k-$3.5M $2k-$1M $0-$2k $3M-$8.5M NoCal Comm/Inst, $500M SoCal Comm/Inst, $900M ($8M- $50M) SB, $750M ($7M-$15M) BQ, $100M ea ROOFING*ROOFING* 4 PAINTING*PAINTING* 3 PAVINGPAVING 5 FIREPROT*FIREPROT* 1 HVAC*HVAC* | Building, General Construction | Heavy Construction | Special | (Vertical) (Horizontal) Trades 25M ea. TBD100M25M30M ea So Cal 8(a) MAC, $100M * NoCal 8(a) MAC, $100M 8(a) MAC China Lk (Lemoore/ Bridgeport) $50M ($100k-$3M) SB, $500M ($100k-$4M) * (a) BOA SoCal (2k-$1M, $3.5M/yr/frm) 8(a) BOA NorCal ($2k-$1M, $3.5M/yr/frm) * 10 11
8 NAVFAC Southwest 02 November 2010 Environmental Execution –Total Program ~$355M FY10 (expect similar levels FY11-12) –Env Quality (Compliance, Natural/Cultural Resources, NEPA Planning) Set Env Quality execution record in FY-09 ($107M) FY10-12 execution expected to maintain $80M-$100M/yr. –Env Restoration FY10-12 execution expected to maintain $220M-$270M/yr (subject to congressional adds to BRAC program) Contracting –Trending toward Fixed-Price Multiple Award Contracts vice Cost-Plus Single Award Contracts –Trending toward Performance-Based Contracts
9 NAVFAC Southwest Environmental Sustainable Solid Waste Mgmt – Diverted 65% (86,147 tons) of material in ’09 Expect ~10 fold Increase in FY10 – Saved 2.1M cubic yards of landfill – $13.5M in avoided disposal costs Furniture Re-use Program & Sustainability Interior Showroom – Reused tons of furniture, resulting in $6.3M in cost avoidance Environmental Restoration Water Quality Monitoring Sustainable Solid Waste Management Restoration & Remediation Navy Marine Corps Total Open ERN Sites Cost to Complete$297M$131M$428M Open MMRP Sites Cost to Complete$322M$38M$360M BRAC Program Cost to Complete$929M 1082 Total 02 November 2010
10 NAVFAC Southwest Asset Management Wide variety of products Region Master Plans PPV Housing and BQs Real Estate Agreements ISO Navy & Marine Corps Bases – Out-grants, in-grants, disposals, appraisals, surveys, property management & base closure Enhanced Use Leasing (EUL) – Leverages government land & private developer expertise with debt placement for construction, repair & improvements, environmental restoration & maintenance services in exchange for entitlements Agricultural Outgrant Leases – 109 leases for 104,496 acres generating $4.8M annually – NAS Fallon; NAF El Centro; NAS Lemoore; NWS Seal Beach & MCB Camp Pendleton Encroachment Protection (EP) – Focuses on systematic encroachment identification, quantification & prevention. Partnerships created for purpose of acquiring restrictive use easements to create protective buffer zones - NAF El Centro / NAS Fallon / NAWS China Lake / NBC Coronado (La Posta) 02 November 2010
11 NAVFAC Southwest 02 November 2010 Asset Management Workload Current local IDIQ contracts: –$10 M, 5 yr. GIS mapping contract, awarded 1/09 –$40 M, 5 yr. Planning contract, awarded 8/08 –$7.5 M, 5 yr. Planning contract, awarded 3/08 IDIQ typical types of projects in any given year: –Shore Infrastructure Plans: Regional, Activity, Master Plans. –Misc. Studies: Facility siting analysis, Anti-Terrorism, Noise, Traffic/parking, Installation Appearance Plans, Base Exterior Architecture Plans –Encroachment Action Plans (EAPs) –Project documentation: DD1391s for MILCONs or other projects, Basic Facility Requirements (BFRs), Asset Evaluations (AEs) –Cadastral and GIS mapping- Real Estate summary maps, GIS formatting –Appraisal and Title Contracts Potential future IDIQ contract: –Planning $7.5M 5 yr, estimated award 12/10 –Planning $ 40 M, 5yr, estimated award 12/10
12 NAVFAC Southwest Public Works Utility Management Utilities Operation Major Maintenance Projects – ~$ M annual program (annual requirement ~ $100M) Resource Energy Managers (REMs) at all Navy installations – 3.7 to 1 Savings to Cost Ratio Facility Sustainment Annual In-house execution ($100M ) – 95,000 Emergency/Service Calls – 340,000 Recurring Maintenance Orders – 5,600 Minor Projects – 350 Specific Projects Facility Services $200M /YR Service Contacts (including BOS) 53% Reduction in Number of Contracts (389 to 182) BOS Contracts – El Centro awarded, performance start date 1 Oct 2008 – NAWS China Lake awarded, performance start date 1 Oct 2009 – NAS Fallon projected award: Jul 2012 Base Support Vehicle & Equipment 1,800 Ship Moves Supported/YR 91,560 Crane Lifts/YR 6,180 MHE Support Requests Supported/YR 49% of 4,858 Vehicles are Alt Fuels/Electric Capable Shipboard REMs 02 November 2010
13 NAVFAC Southwest 02 November 2010 Issues for 2011 CNO Guidance for 2011 VCNO New Footprint Moratorium Achieving SECNAV Energy Goals Field execution of our recent contract awards, SAFELY NAVFAC Commander’s Intent for Small Business Navy Region Master Planning
14 NAVFAC Southwest 29 April 2010 QUESTIONS?
15 NAVFAC Southwest 02 November 2010 Back Up
16 NAVFAC Southwest Renewable Energy Snapshot (NRSW) SECNAV Energy Goals (Nov 09) Evaluate lifetime energy cost and footprint in all contract awards; Create "Green Strike Group" by 2012; deploy by 2016; By 2015, cut petroleum use in commercial vehicle fleet by 50%; By 2020, 50% of shore energy from alternative sources; 50% Installation “Net Zero” By 2020, 50% of total energy consumption from alternative sources DoN Southwest Net Zero Installations Currently: None 02 November 2010
17 NAVFAC Southwest Small Business Goals for FY2010 Small Business Program Prime Sub Small Business36%65.75% Small Disadvantaged Business23%16.51% HUBZone SB10%8.50% Woman Owned SB6.5%14.70% Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned SB2.5%2.62%
18 NAVFAC Southwest How to do Business with NAVFAC Southwest Determine North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) codes that pertain to your business. Determine appropriate Small Business Socio-Economic Programs for which you qualify. Visit the SBA website. Register in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR). If already registered, make sure info is current. Complete On-Line Representation and Certifications (ORCA)
19 NAVFAC Southwest Know the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and Department of Defense FAR Supplement regulations Monitor Solicitation Websites or Additional Resources Small Business Administration (SBA) Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) How to do Business with NAVFAC Southwest