Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação Brussels, February 10, 2006 ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective
ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective February 2006 Workshop Agenda 9.30 – 10:00: Welcome and Project Overview Sara Medina - SPI presentation of the agenda for the day, brief introduction by each of the invited participants and overall objectives of the project – 10:30: The NEST Programme Perspective Carlos Saraiva Martins (European Commission – DG Research ) – 11:00: Break – 12:45: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective Jiandong Geng, Yaomin Yan and Max Zedtwitz - MOST and GLORAD, P. R. China - General Overview Overall Discussion – 14:00: Lunch
ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective February 2006 Workshop Agenda – 15:00: Overview of Recent Collaborative Efforts between the European and Chinese Research Communities Miguel Taborda - SPI introductory presentation Mark Spinoglio (SPI), Chantal Boulard (INRA) and Vitor Santos (GBF) - INCO & NEST highlighted cases Group discussion – 15:30: Break – 16:30: Factors Influencing International Collaborations within Frontier Research Mark Spinoglio - SPI introductory presentation Group discussion – 17:00: Next Steps and Closing Comments
ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective February 2006 Participants Project Objectives Project Methodology Index
ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective February 2006 Participants Arie Rip - University of Twente, The Netherlands Bodil Holst – Graz University of Technology, Austria Chantal Boulard – National Institute for Agricultural Research, France Diana Mangalagiu - Reims Management School, France Dietrich Werner – Phillips-Universität Marburg, Germany Eli Pollak – Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel Carlos Saraiva Martins – European Commission, Belgium
ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective February 2006 Participants Luc Leyns – Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium Markus Kirkilionis – University of Warwick, United Kingdom Max Zedtwitz – Research Center for Global R&D Management (GLORAD), P.R. China Jan van Minnen – Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands Jiandong Geng – High Technology R&D Center - MOST, P.R. China José-Lorenzo Vallés – European Commission, Belgium
ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective February 2006 Participants Panos Argyrakis – Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Vítor Santos – German Research Centre for Biotechnology, Germany Yaomin Yan – Torch High Technology Industry Development Center - MOST, P.R. China Deng Xiaojun – Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação, P.R. China Mark Spinoglio – Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação, United States of America Miguel Taborda – Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação, Portugal Sara Medina – Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação, Portugal
ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective February 2006 Project Objectives Identify relevant Chinese S&T entities and conduct in- depth interviews with leading Chinese stakeholders. Map Chinese policies and programmes established to foster research activities that truly represent the frontiers of research. To research China’s science & technology realities as they pertain to the frontiers of research. Frontier research is defined as research activities at the forefront of creating new knowledge that are intrinsically risky endeavours, which involve the pursuit of questions without regard for established disciplinary boundaries or national borders.
ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective February 2006 Project Objectives Establish a basis for the European research community to monitor research activities in China that go beyond the boundaries of current ideas Pursue collaborative opportunities in order to create a stronger relationship between the European and Chinese research communities. Disseminate findings to NEST representatives, relevant DG Research representatives and the European research community to encourage greater cross-border networking.
ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective February 2006 Project Methodology 1)Research – Assessment of current frontier research activities in Europe and China. 2) Analysis – Develop an understanding of the Chinese S&T realities as they pertain to the frontiers of research. 3) Network – Develop a network of key Chinese stakeholders directly relevant to the support of international frontier research collaborations Work Plan List 4) Strategy – Develop a strategic path forward to greater Chinese / European research collaborations 5) Dissemination – Disseminate project results to the Chinese and European research communities.
ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective February 2006 Project Methodology European project workshop – to capture the perspective of research coordinators addressing the current frontiers of research. Work Plan List (Research) Parameters for EU/China Frontier Research Collaborations – overview of EU policies and programmes addressing frontiers of research with an emphasis on their trends and possible impact on future EU/Chinese collaborations Parameters for EU/China Frontier Research Collaborations
ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective February 2006 Project Methodology Stakeholders survey – information from key individuals within relevant Chinese ministries, institutions and industries. Work Plan List (Analysis) Database of key Chinese stakeholders – including stakeholders determined to be relevant to the support of international frontier research collaborations and/or in addressing the associated benefits and risks Survey Questionnaire Network of Key Chinese Stakeholders Database
ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective February 2006 Project Methodology 2 day China Project Workshop – develop an overview of Chinese policies and programmes that are in support of frontier research or similar to the relevant EU policies and programmes. Work Plan List (Network) China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective
ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective February 2006 Project Methodology Strategic Path Forward to Greater Chinese/European Research Collaborations Work Plan List (Strategy) Strategic Path Forward to Greater Chinese / European Research Collaborations Comparison of frontier research realities Opportunities for greater research collaborations with regard to the frontiers of research Case studies: representing opportunities for ongoing monitoring and fostering of collaborations
ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective February 2006 Project Methodology Successful dissemination of project results to the Chinese and European research communities Work Plan List (Dissemination) Dissemination seminar in Brussels – disseminate the project results to NEST representatives and invited research community representatives Project BrochureProject Website
ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective February 2006 Project Methodology Specific Project Results Parameters for EU/China Frontier Research Collaborations Network of Key Chinese Stakeholders Database China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective Strategic Path Forward to Greater Chinese / European Research Collaborations Project Website Project Brochure
ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective February 2006 Porto - Portugal Edificio “Les Palaces” Rua Júlio Dinis, no. 242, Porto, PORTUGAL Tel: Fax: TagusPark Núcleo Central, Oeiras, PORTUGAL Tel: Fax: Beijing – P.R.China China Garments Mansion, No. 915 Jianguo Rd., ChaoYang Dist. Beijing CHINA California - USA 2102 Business Center Drive, Suite 220E Irvine, CA USA Tel: Fax: Maryland - USA 5523 Research Park Drive, Suite 325 Baltimore, MD | USA Tel: Fax: Lisboa - Portugal