Elasticity of Elastomers Materials which undergo recoverable deformation of a few 100 % are called elastomers and exhibit rubber like elasticity Elastomers → Long chain molecules with some cross-links Cross-links keeps molecules from slipping past one another permanently Relative mobility restricted to points between cross-links Stress strain Strained equilibrium configuration reached swiftly and hence time dependence ignored (as a first approximation) i.e. Strain f(t) Stress strain
Cross-link points Mobile segments
Unstretched state S t r e t c h e d state Tensile stress Randomly coiled molecules large number of configurations of equal potential energy high S config & low Free Energy Reduction in number of configurations in S config C-C bond angle is same No change in enthapy Tensile stress Heating
Enthalpy change on stretching = 0 I law of Thermodynamics II law of Thermodynamics F → Force applied to stretch T → Constant temperature L → Length of molecule S → Entropy Entropy change for stretch L 0 → L Change in number of configurations 0 →
N 0 → number of chain segments between cross linking points Constant at constant temperature Equation Of State For a Rubbery material
Experimental Theory Bond stretching in straightened out molecules
Equation of state → Stress → Strain or If is continuous and single valued: ve term for elastomers
In the elastic range E↑ as T ↑ (for a metal E↓ as T ↑) During adiabatic stretching a elastomer gets warmer (metal gets cooler) An unstretched elastomer → positive coefficient of thermal expansion elastomer stretched more than a few percent → negative coefficient of thermal expansion Summary of salient features