5 th Grade Science Lab Investigation
Home Lab Investigations Home lab investigations are due each nine-weeks Handouts posted on science teacher’s website Complete hypothesis in an “If, then” statement Make sure there is only 1 variable 3 trials to ensure reliability of results Data MUST be in a chart, table, or graph Conclusion must have 4 parts: Hypothesis accepted or rejected Restate the hypothesis Summarize the procedure Present the data
Title Must have a title for your investigation, written on the title line of your paper.
Problem Must be written in the form of a question. Does a thick or thin rubber band have more elasticity?
Hypothesis Must be written in the form of an If…then…statement. If weight is added to a thick and thin rubber band, then the thick rubber band will have more elasticity because a thick rubber band can store more energy and therefore can stretch further.
Materials Must be listed without numbers, with specifics…amount, type, size…etc. 1 thick rubber band 1 thin rubber band 1 meter stick 1 weight
Procedure Must be in a numbered list of steps used to conduct the investigation. 1. Take thick rubber band and put the weight on the inside of one end. 2. Pull the top of the rubber band up, as far as it will go without breaking. 3. Use meter stick to measure the length. 4. Record data on data chart. 5. Repeat steps 1-4 with thin rubber band.
Data Must make sure to include 3 trials and present in a table Rubber Band Elasticity in cm Trial Thin Rubber BandThick Rubber Band Trial 123 cm2 cm Trial 224 cm2 cm Trial 324 cm3 cm
Conclusion My hypothesis was rejected. My hypothesis stated that if weight is added to a thick and thin rubber band, then the thick rubber band will have more elasticity because a thick rubber band can store more energy and therefore can stretch further. I conducted 3 trials by adding weight to each rubber band and measuring the length of the stretch. In 3 out of 3 trials the thin rubber band stretched further.