T Group LTD Group Of Companies
T Group LTD What Is «T Group»? It’s Group of the Companies having 11 basic directions of the activity. Since in 2000, has direct contract relations more than from 1500 companies in Russia and abroad
Directions of activity Export deliveries of petrochemical production The equipment for public catering establishments The equipment for trading enterprises articles of food The equipment for trading enterprises articles of not food
Directions of activity The equipment for ventilation systems The equipment for central airs The equipment for food manufactures Assembly and the service centers Public catering Trade in articles of food
How we have reached it? The multilevel structure of the Company divided into Departments which are headed by highly skilled Experts with profile higher education, allows to supervise precisely process from «A» up to «Z» Heads and employees of departments have passed special practice, including abroad
Priority direction The management of the company counts export from the Russian Federation products of chemical manufactures the priorities direction The export company is CHEMI Trading LLC
CHEMI Trading – MISSION Our purpose in was the best among the Russian traders of chemical production, to be in keeping with the high world standards in mutual relations with business partners, investors, employees, a society, an environment. «CHEMI Trading» in mutual relations with partners on business strictly adheres to principles of business ethics, considering the reputation as one of the most powerful actives.
CHEMI Trading – MISSION Pledge of successful development of the enterprise and prosperity of business are people, therefore we aspire to creation of the corporate environment in which each employee could realize the professional opportunities with the maximal benefit for itself and Company. We give the employees worthy working conditions and material compensation.
CHEMI Trading – STRATEGY General strategy of our Company is directed on the further transformation to the industrial company of the international level which on a level of market cost and the basic financial and economic parameters will meet to leading enterprises of the world. Basic elements of strategy of development are: Construction of capacities and expansion of a field of activity aside productions of high repartitions; Increase of efficiency of selling of production due to export and direct sales to ultimate consumer, on the basis of the weighed price politics and realization of a complex of measures on expansion of a commodity market of production.
Advantage … Direct contracts with manufacturers of production allow to provide the best level of the price for the ultimate consumer. And that fact, that some kinds of chemical production are made exclusively at the enterprises of our territorial zone gives the basis to approve that the level of the price is attractive to the ultimate consumer twice.
Advantage (continue) … High professionalism of employees Precise transport logistic, Various variants of deliveries, including mix - sets, Opportunity of a complete set of the order from several Manufacturers, Opportunity of emergency deliveries, Efficiency in job and granting of the exhaustive information on the first search, Consulting of Consumers.
Proposals Absorbents Butadiene Diproxamine Dicyclopentadiene Diethanolamine Diethylene glycol Fraction C9 Polyether polyol Colamine Ethylene glycol Neonol Polystyrene Poly ethylene glycol Polyester Propylene glycol Styrene Triethanolamine Flotoreagent oxal Alpha olefine fraction Isoolefine fraction
Proposals Butyl rubber Bromobutil rubber Divinyl rubber Rubber cis-isoprene Ethylene-propylene diene synthetic rubber Latex divinyl-styrene Latex acrylic Rubber mixes Silicone Sculpture Salts of barium Salts of sodium Salts of magnesium Carbon
Proposals LDPE LDPE for string products LDPE composite LDPE composite electro conductive HDPE paint-and-varnish products fuel oil Fuel oven Fuel ship Fertilizers nitric, phosphoric, potash, complex sheet metal
T Group LTD How to find Us? Fuchika Street 34, Kazan, Russia tel fax mail.ru