Would You Rather Statements
Would You Rather… Would you rather be a pencil or a rubber band? Write your answer on a scrap piece of paper. Tell me why.
Bad Example Would you rather be a pencil or a rubber band? Rubber band because rubber bands are cool No Detail or explanation provided - 1 Point
Decent Example Would you rather be a pencil or a rubber band? I would rather be a rubber band because rubber bands can last years. Some Detail/explanation provided - 2 Points Explained why they would want to be a rubber band but NOT why they wouldn’t want to be a pencil
Good Example Would you rather be a pencil or a rubber band? I would rather be a rubber band because a pencil is useful for a short while but eventually will be sharpened until it can’t be used but rubber bands can last years and still be useful. A lot of detail/explanation provided - 3 Points Described why they would want to be the rubber band and explained the downside of being a pencil
Assignment Pick 10 “Would You Rather” Questions Answer them making sure you explain your reasoning why Use a lot of detail