Kettlebells combine strength, cardio and flexibility! Full body workout. Burn more calories…in less time! 2
Transforms Dumbbells into Kettlebells! 3
Over 29,000 Gyms in the US Total Gym Memberships: 45.5 million 4
Greater Versatility of Existing Equipment Kettlebells are expensive. Kettlebells take up space. 5 X
INSERT RED/GREEN CHART 6KettleShell IronMasterKettleClampGoFitCap Barbell Cost $45 $89-$200$199 $25-$100 $10-$130 Sizes ALL lbs ALL7-45lbsALL Adjustable Adapter YES NOYESNO In Market NOYES Material Safety RubberIronIron/SteelRubberIron
Increase Equipment Utilization Reduces Excess Costs Save Space Increased Revenue Opportunities 7
Material Requirements: Tolerance Specifications Manufacturing Criteria 10
Metal: Machining Casting Rubber Spray Sealing: Rubber Casting: 11
Reliability Engineering Validates the design performance through lifetime testing of the materials and the product function. Establishes Warranty for the Product 12
Various Sizes Small, Medium, Large Different Colors Materials Metal vs. Rubber 13
Gyms Workout Equipment and Kettlebell Classes Workout Enthusiasts Colleges Fitness Centers/Athletic Teams Rehabilitation Facilities Physical Therapy/Sports Medicine Clinics 14
Product Warranty User Friendly Website Online Ordering FAQ Kettlebell Articles/Research Peer Reviews 15
Online Research Workout Protocols Ithaca College Fitness Center User Reviews OT/PT Clinic 16
Strengths Domain Knowledge Research and Design Consultants Weaknesses Manufacturing Knowledge Opportunities Fitness Trends Market Size Threats Kettlebells Adapter Options Efficacy 17
510 (K) Demonstrate that the device is safe & effective as legally marketed device ▪ Required at least 90 days before marketing unless device is exempt from 510 (K) requirements ▪ Indicates product’s ability to endure regulation process 18
Tired of the Same Routine Minimal Results NOT ENOUGH TIME 19