Science & Engineering Practices
Welcome! Things to do… Sign-in Find a table Silence your electronic devices
Introduce Yourself and Select an M&M RED RED: What are three things you like to do when you are not at work? ORANGE ORANGE: If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go and why? YELLOW YELLOW: If you won 10 million dollars, what is the first thing you would do with it? GREEN GREEN: What is a recent accomplishment (professionally or personally) of which you are proud? BLUE BLUE: If you could have dinner with anyone, anywhere, with whom would it be and where? BROWN BROWN: If you had a complete free day, how would you spend it?
How does the work of scientists and engineers compare?
The Engineering Design Process
You need to get across the river! Criteria: Must be able to get across the river without additional forces added Constraints: Limited materials 2 index cards, 2 plastic cups, duct tape, 3 washers, 2 wooden skewers, 4 straws, 5 rubber bands, 2 paper clips, 2 sheets of waxed paper. Limited time (30 minutes) May only be powered by a rubber band Record your design and think about when and how you use science, math, and technology.
Time to test and share!
Take Another Look at the Box & T Diagram Is there anything you wish to add or revise about the work of scientists and engineers?
Thinking about what you have experienced this morning with the engineering design process, what actions are you considering for your own instructional practice?
Connecting to Science & Engineering Practices Goal: I understand how science and engineering practices relate to each other as humans learn about natural phenomena and solve problems. Learning Target: I am familiar with the science and engineering practices in the K-12 Framework for Science Education
Connecting to Science & Engineering Practices 1.Read the article: Scientific and Engineering Practices in K-12 Classrooms by Rodger Bybee. 2.Jot down some notes about parts of the article that resonate with you. 3.Grab a partner 4.Share your thoughts about the article as it relates to the activity and your classroom.
Connecting Science & Engineering Practices to WA K-12 Science Standards Process: Card Sort 1.Find a partner in your grade span. 2.Listen for information about the WA Science Item Spec cards. 3.Match the Inquiry and Application Cards to the “Practices”.
Connecting Science & Engineering Practices to WA K-12 Science Standards Reflection: In your Notebooks…. 1.Describe the relationship between WA Inquiry & Application standards and the Science & Engineering “Practices”. 2.What claim could be made about our Application standards? What is the evidence? 3.What do you think this means for our instructional materials?
Where are the Engineering Practices in your Science Unit? Look for opportunities in your unit for kids to experience the engineering design process: Already present. Could be added (can be done with existing materials) Use alignment data from ESD 105’s Science Source:
Engineering Design and the “Application” of Science 70% is Systems, Inquiry, and Application
What are the three types of “Application” questions on the 5 th grade MSP? Record your response on a notecard Do not put your name on the notecard Fold your notecard in half Stand up Trade the card you have 3 times
Plan and Test Redesign Careers What are the three types of “Application” questions on the 5 th grade MSP?
Select a unit… Stand next to a kit unit that you teach (if it is taken by more than 3 people, choose one above or below your grade level). Take your guide back to your seat. Using any of the templates, create an engineering design challenge. Use poster paper to prepare to share.