Kent Chronicles April 5, 2012 WWII Home Front. AWS Volunteers scanned the skies for Japanese Aircraft. This isn’t the one in Kent, but from a small town.


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Presentation transcript:

Kent Chronicles April 5, 2012 WWII Home Front

AWS Volunteers scanned the skies for Japanese Aircraft. This isn’t the one in Kent, but from a small town in California!

Scrap Drives Items Collected: Tin Cans Bottles Rubber Paper Nylon and Silk Any Metal (Even car bumpers!) Cooking fats and oils Why Cooking Fats? Explosives

Blackout Curtains

Kent’s Dimout Ends November of 1943

Rationing What was rationed? Tires Cars Bicycles Gasoline Fuel Oil and Kerosene Solid Fuels Stoves Rubber Footwear Shoes Typewriters Nylon Sugar Coffee Processed Foods Meats, Canned Fish Cheese, canned milk, fats

Ways to deal Victory Gardens! – Victory Gardens may have provided 9-10 million tons of produce or a comparable amount to the commercial farms. – Canning! New Recipes! Do without

Saving Rubber Do you know what the Victory Speed was? – 35 mph Best not speed through Kent, the Kent News Journal was full of reports of the police issuing tickets to over excited drivers. In 1943, the average speed of the guilty parties was 42 mph.

Businesses In Kent The Food Plants – Libby, McNeil and Libby – Santa Cruz Fruit Packing Company – Washington Frosted Foods Manufacturing Plants – Northwest Metal – Pacific Aeromotive (?)