Residency Application Process Jane Trask Student Affairs 061-B Meiling Hall Phone (614) Fax (614)
Why the Match? Organized matching provides an impartial venue for matching applicants' preferences for residency positions with program directors' preferences for applicants.
What is my obligation if I register for the Match? §You agree to abide by the rules and results of the match when you register §If you submit a rank order list, you are under contract to accept your matched position
Categories of Match Programs There are four categories of programs §Categorical - programs that begin in the PGY-1 year and provide the training required for board certification in medical specialties. (C) §Advanced - programs that begin in the PGY-2 year after a year of prerequisite training. (A) §Preliminary - one-year programs beginning in the PGY-1 year that provide prerequisite training for advanced programs. (P) §Physician - programs that are reserved for physicians who have had prior graduate medical education. Physician programs are not available to senior U.S. medical students. (R)
How do I choose which Match? §Generally the specialty you apply to governs the appropriate match choice. l Urology has its own match, l Ophthalmology and Pediatric Neurology use the San Francisco Match. l Unless you are in the military, all others will use the National Residency Match Program §Some of you will use a combination
Military Match §The Air Force has its own GME application program. The Army and Navy both participate in ERAS. Contact your recruiter if you are unsure. §Applicants should also apply to the NRMP as there are limited spaces in the military. §If you match with the military you will be automatically withdrawn from the NRMP.
San Francisco Match l Pediatric Neurology and Ophthalmology l Centralized Application Service (CAS) l
Urology Match §American Urological Association sponsors its own match. l Urology only l Electronic Residency Application Service l
Regular Match aka NRMP §Almost all other programs including Preventive Medicine participate in the NRMP and ERAS programs. l Electronic Residency Application Service l
How do I apply? §Register with the appropriate application service. §Each match has its own service provider. §Some of you will need to use more than one. §Some programs do not participate in a match and/or an application service. They provide their own application forms
Important to Remember §Not everyone plays by the same rules. §Verify that the program you want to apply to is participating in the application service and the match. §Individual programs make the decision. §Variation has occurred within an institution.
What Makes up my Application? §Application form l CAS (early match), ERAS, or individual program l Requires a personal statement §2 ½ x 3 ½ Photograph or digital file §Letters of Recommendation (3-5 per specialty) §USMLE Transcript or equivalent §Official university transcript §Dean’s letter (MSPE)
Getting Started for 2010 §Check resources l Meet FREIDA l l Check Careers in Medicine for guidance l Explore program and association web sites §Connect with mentors and advisors l Career and preparation advice l Preliminary contact to recruit letter writers
Getting Started for 2010 §Complete required biodata forms §Craft your personal statement and CV l Letter writers may need these §Get your picture taken §Be sure you are on class listserv [Med2010] §Prepare to be busy and deadline-focused.
Electronic Roads Lead to ERAS Post Office and Back Again for NRMP and AUA §Students electronically send applications and personal statements to ERAS directly. §Your photo, LoR’s, transcript, and the MSPE go to ERAS from the Dean’s work station aka Jane. §USMLE transcripts go to ERAS directly from NBME after the student okays release §ERAS then sends information to programs as appropriate.
CAS or paper applications – who does what? §You register with the appropriate application service and check out the requirements for your program §Most documents will be transmitted as hard copy. §For Ophthalmology and Pediatric Neurology you need 2 copies of your letters of recommendation. The one for CAS needs to be in a sealed envelope. The other can be sent to me via campus mail. §You are responsible for envelopes or labels and for postage. §You will send your own multiple transcripts. §Not all early program services are the same. §Be sure you are connected to the appropriate department here.
Preliminary Timetable §Request letters of recommendation l Make all requests by September 15 §Request University transcripts l Request after summer quarter begins but before September 1 (Send to Jane Trask, 061 Meiling) l $7-9 charge per transcript § Request USMLE transcripts Part of the ERAS application process Check CAS for procedures – can use score reports if you kept them.
Preliminary Timetable §Register with your early match program - AUA or San Francisco §Register with ERAS after you get your token (around July 1) §Prepare applications l Early matches check target date for your field Do not use as deadline date l September 1 – first day to submit ERAS application
Preliminary Timetable §Schedule interviews October – January §Military match results given in December §Early matches submit rank order lists in January with results the same month. §NRMP applicants submit rank order lists from mid-January - mid-February. §Match results the third Thursday in March §Celebration
In a Nutshell §Choose a specialty §Register with a match §Register with the appropriate application service §Assemble your application package (application, photo, transcript, letters of recommendation) §Select programs where you want to apply §File your application §Wait for and do interviews §Submit your Rank Order list §Go to work, Doctor!
Resources / / §Careers in Medicine / / §Strolling Through the Match §Roadmap to Residency §Match Office – l CV and personal statement review and/or advice l General questions l Career counseling l Match-specific inquiries l Any obstacle or question