World History Eras World History/Weaver
Era 1 Beginning to 4000 BCE The Beginning of Human Society Reading a Timeline
Era BCE to 1000 BCE Early Civilizations and Cultures
Era BCE to 300 CE Classical Traditions and Major Empires
Era CE to 1500 CE Expanding Hemispheric Interactions
Era 5 15 th to 18 th Centuries First Global Age
Era CE to 1914 CE Age of Global Revolutions
Era CE to 1945 CE Global Crisis and Achievement
Era to Present Cold War and its Aftermath
World History Eras Era 1 – Beginning to 4000 BCE Era 2 – 4000 BCE to 1000 BCE Era 3 – 1000 BCE to 300 CE Era 4 – 300 CE to 1500 CE Era 5 – 15 th to 18 th Centuries Era 6 – 1776 CE to 1914 CE Era 7 – 1900 CE to 1945 CE Era 8 – 1945 to Present
World History Eras Trivia Ballpoint Pen Harpoon Thimble Barbed Wire Velcro Button Ice Cream Tuning Fork Era 7 (1938) Hungary by Laszlo Biro Era 1 – (9000 BCE) Polar Civilization Era 4 – (1000 CE) Byzantium Era 6 – (1873) USA by Joseph Glidden Era 8 – (1948) Switzerland by George deMestral Era 2 – Indus Valley – (3000BC) reinvented Germany 1235 Era 3 – (400 BCE) Persia Era 5 – (1711) England by John Shore Can you place these inventions in the correct Era? Extra Points for identifying region or country where first used.