More Than Classy EvolutionThe ErasFossils and Earth How Old Is It? $500 $400 $300 $200 $100
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How Old Is It? - $100 ANSWER This kind of dating will tell you if something is older or younger than something else.
How Old Is It? - $200 ANSWER This kind of dating will tell you the age of something in years.
How Old Is It? - $300 ANSWER What are uncomformities caused by?
How Old Is It? - $400 ANSWER How can geologists tell if rock layers are undisturbed?
How Old Is It? - $500 ANSWER Solve the rock layer puzzle below: list from oldest to youngest: abcdeabcde f abcdeabcde g
Fossils and Earth - $100 ANSWER What tool helps scientists (and us) manage and understand all of the 4.6 billion years of Earth’s history?
Fossils and Earth - $200 ANSWER What are the 5 ways fossils form?
Fossils and Earth - $300 ANSWER What do trace fossils tell us?
Fossils and Earth - $400 ANSWER How do index fossils help scientists?
Fossils and Earth - $500 ANSWER What does plate tectonics explain?
The Eras - $100 ANSWER This is the era of mammals.
The Eras - $200 ANSWER Cyanobacteria increased oxygen levels during this time.
The Eras - $300 ANSWER This is the largest know mass extinction.
The Eras - $400 ANSWER The Cambrian Explosion occurred during this era.
The Eras - $500 ANSWER This era ended with the Cretaceous-Tertiary, or K-T, Extinction.
Evolution - $100 ANSWER What theory do fossils and the fossil record provide evidence for?
Evolution - $200 ANSWER For example thickness of fur is one kind and migration is another. What are the two general categories of adaptations? Click for clue
Evolution - $300 ANSWER Of the 4 parts of natural selection, why do some species overproduce offspring?
Evolution - $400 ANSWER What are the 3 causes of extinction?
Evolution - $500 ANSWER What are the 3 events that can lead to speciation.
More Than Classy - $100 ANSWER What’s missing from the following: ________, Phylum, _______, Order, ________, Genus, ______
More Than Classy - $200 ANSWER The scientific name for the Asian elephant is Elephas maximus What’s its genus?
More Than Classy - $300 ANSWER What do scientists look at to classify living things?
More Than Classy - $400 ANSWER A group of moth species with dark brown wings gets separated from its population. In its new environment, the trees have lighter bark than their old environment. What is a physical adaptation that might develop for these moths?
More Than Classy - $500 ANSWER The fact that an organism’s offspring would not all be identical is an example of _____?
How Old Is It?- $100 DONE Relative Dating
How Old Is It?- $200 DONE Absolute Dating
How Old Is It?- $300 DONE Erosion and Lack of Depostion
How Old Is It?- $400 DONE Rock layers are horizontal
How Old Is It?- $500 DONE Rock Layer Puzzle e,d,c,f,b,a,g abcdeabcde f g
Fossils and Earth - $100 DONE Geologic Time Scale
Fossils and Earth - $200 DONE Fossils form sediment (rocks), ice, amber (sap), asphalt (tar), and 5.through petrification
Fossils and Earth - $300 DONE Trace fossils tell about organisms' activities
Fossils and Earth - $400 DONE Index fossils help establish age of a rock layer.
Fossils and Earth - $500 DONE Plate tectonics explains how tectonic plates move
The Eras - $100 DONE Cenozoic Era is the age of mammals
The Eras - $200 DONE Cyanobacteria increased oxygen levels, allowing live on land, during Precambrian Time
The Eras - $300 DONE The Permian Extinction is the largest known extinction
The Eras - $400 DONE Paleozoic Era
The Eras - $500 DONE Mesozoic Era
Evolution - $100 DONE Evolution
Evolution - $200 DONE Fur – Physical Migration- Behavioral
Evolution - $300 DONE Why overproduce? To increase the odds/chances that some of the offspring will survive.
Evolution - $400 DONE New predators Loss of habitat Increased competition
Evolution - $500 DONE Separation Adaptation Reproductive Isolation
More Than Classy - $100 DONE Kingdom Class Family, Species
More Than Classy - $200 DONE Elephas
More Than Classy - $300 DONE Characteristics
More Than Classy - $400 DONE Their wing color may become lighter in order to match the trees…..would increase chances of survival
More Than Classy - $500 DONE Inherited variation
Directions for Changing the Game To change the questions and answers, just type over the problems…Use the “replace” feature to change the categories easily The daily doubles were originally set to category #4 for $500 and category #2 for $300 To change the daily doubles you must –1. Change the hyperlink for the links on the main board to go to the appropriate question, therefore bypassing the daily double slide –2. Change the hyperlink on the continue button on each daily double slide to go to the new question.