Pest Management Definition and History
Species of Insects damaging world food plants
species of weeds diseases 1000 species of nematodes US$ 500 BILLION
species of weeds diseases 1000 species of nematodes 42.1% lost 15.6 % 13.2 % 13.3 %
Pest management History Era of traditional approaches (ancient-1938) Era of pesticides ( ) Era of integrated pest management (1963-now)
Era of traditional approaches
Era of pesticides Paul Muller (Nobel Prize 1948) DDT discovered In ,4-D discovered In 1939
Era of pesticides The ‘green revolution’
Era of pesticides At least 3 million workers poisoned each year deaths per year Teratogenic, carcinogenic and mutagenic effects
Era of pesticides 1% 99%
Era of pesticides ~100% of us have some insecticide residue in our bodies
Era of IPM 1993: US government sets goal of 75% of crop land under IPM by : 70% of US acreage under some level of IPM
Era of IPM
Pesticide use Pesticide use Rice Production Rice production
IPM concept (1972) Integrated control. Pest management and Economic injury level. Environmental protection
IPM Definition IPM is a sustainable approach that combines the use of prevention, avoidance, monitoring and suppression strategies in a way that minimizes economic, health and environmental risks. (US Department of Agriculture, 1998).
Constrains in IPM Implementation Institutional constrains Informational constrains Sociological constrains Economic constrains Political constrains
Strategies for IPM implementation Farmer participationFarmer participation Government supportGovernment support Legislative measuresLegislative measures Institutional infrastructureInstitutional infrastructure AwarenessAwareness
Cotton IPM: A case from Peru Use of insecticides after 2 nd WW. Insecticide resistance in the 1950s. Secondary pests. Reduction of natural enemies. IPM implementation rescued cotton. Currently pest problems are returning due to relaxed IPM