Tidewater Community College What’s New in College and Career Success? Dr. Marsha Fralick
Ice Breaker Life Stories Use this exercise in your class for introductions or appreciating diversity. Use this exercise in your class for introductions or appreciating diversity.
Overview Classroom exercises for engaging students in learningClassroom exercises for engaging students in learning What’s new in the 4 th edition?What’s new in the 4 th edition? New resources for facultyNew resources for faculty Using technology to engage the New Millennial studentUsing technology to engage the New Millennial student Improving retention and successImproving retention and success Sharing your creative ideasSharing your creative ideas
What’s New in the 4 th Edition?
Resources for Faculty Instructor ManualInstructor Manual Exercises and HandoutsExercises and Handouts SyllabusSyllabus ResearchResearch PowerPointPowerPoint Internet LinksInternet Links
How to Choose a Career Job jar activityJob jar activity
Technology Technology A Skill Needed for College Success
Why is the world flat?
Three Great Eras of Globalization 1492 Columbus set sail to find new trade routes1492 Columbus set sail to find new trade routes the earth is roundthe earth is round Industrial Revolution Industrial Revolution Railways, highways and communication makes the world smallerRailways, highways and communication makes the world smaller
Globalization 3.0 Began in 2000Began in 2000 Convergence of the computer and fiber optic cable that enables global collaboration and competitionConvergence of the computer and fiber optic cable that enables global collaboration and competition The flat worldThe flat world
Rapid Change Berlin Wall fell in 1990Berlin Wall fell in 1990 World Wide Web created in 1991World Wide Web created in 1991 Windows, Netscape and Internet Explorer invented 1995Windows, Netscape and Internet Explorer invented 1995 Google invented 1998Google invented 1998 iPhone invented 2007iPhone invented 2007
New Question Where do I as an individual fit into the global competition and opportunities of the day, and how can I, on my own, collaborate with others globally?Where do I as an individual fit into the global competition and opportunities of the day, and how can I, on my own, collaborate with others globally? Outsourcing is changing the way we do business.Outsourcing is changing the way we do business.
Skills Needed for the Flat World Reading Computer skills Math Science Learn how to learn Intrinsic motivation People skills Passion and curiosity Being able to navigate the virtual world Be a good adapter, synthesizer and collaborator Appreciation of diversity
New Millennials Our current college students were born after 1990Our current college students were born after 1990 Most were born with a computer in the home and were using them by age 5Most were born with a computer in the home and were using them by age 5 Cyber generationCyber generation The connected generationThe connected generation 82% are online daily82% are online daily Average 12 hours per week onlineAverage 12 hours per week online
Being in the Millennial Generation, I did start using computers as a young child. I learned how to spell with the help of computers and how to read with computerized books. Computers have always been a part of my life, which is probably why I am so drawn to them. Dawn Cardenas College Success Student
These New Millennial students are now being called Generation E What does the “E” stand for?What does the “E” stand for?
New Millennials or Generation E years old18-30 years old E mpoweredE mpowered E ntitledE ntitled E lectronicE lectronic Leading change from paper to electronic mediaLeading change from paper to electronic media
Introduce yourself. Where are you in the technology continuum? Baby boomer Baby boomer Generation X Generation X New Millennials New Millennials Generation Z (Zippies) comes nextGeneration Z (Zippies) comes next How much technology did you use in college? How much technology did you use in college?
Technology Most college courses, especially upper division courses, have online components.Most college courses, especially upper division courses, have online components. Working in an online environment is essential for high paying careers.Working in an online environment is essential for high paying careers. Students are disadvantaged if they do not have access to the Internet and are skilled in using it.Students are disadvantaged if they do not have access to the Internet and are skilled in using it.
Rationale for Using Technology It prepares students for good paying jobs in the flat worldIt prepares students for good paying jobs in the flat world Improved retention and successImproved retention and success New roles for facultyNew roles for faculty Your students use itYour students use it It captures their attentionIt captures their attention Education any time or placeEducation any time or place
Course Choices Face to FaceFace to Face 22 sections 22 sections BlendedBlended 22 sections22 sections OnlineOnline 12 sections12 sections
Take a Look
Online and Hybrid Courses Visit my class on BlackboardVisit my class on Blackboard Directions for logging in under Faculty Resources and Online Courses at my websiteDirections for logging in under Faculty Resources and Online Courses at my website Request a Zip file if interestedRequest a Zip file if interested
Improving Student Retention and Success
What is the dream that students have when they begin college?
The American Dream Get a degreeGet a degree Get a better jobGet a better job Improve the quality of lifeImprove the quality of life Increase self-respectIncrease self-respect Be the best you can beBe the best you can be
The Reality What Happens?What Happens? After 8 years, only 53% of those seeking degrees achieved their goals.After 8 years, only 53% of those seeking degrees achieved their goals % of the students don’t even return the next semester.40-50% of the students don’t even return the next semester. 6 out of 10 transfer students give up their plans or drop out in one semester.6 out of 10 transfer students give up their plans or drop out in one semester. Sources: Achieving the Dream website, PACE Research
How can we help college students be successful? ThinkThink PairPair ShareShare
Your Expectations Expect students to read the chapters before they come to class.Expect students to read the chapters before they come to class. Change the focus from lecture to engaging students in learning with discussion and activities.Change the focus from lecture to engaging students in learning with discussion and activities.
The Critical First 2 Weeks How can you help students get started during the first 2 weeks?How can you help students get started during the first 2 weeks?ThinkPairShare
The first day of class is also critical Most of your students will attend the first day.Most of your students will attend the first day. It is an opportunity to impact student success and retention.It is an opportunity to impact student success and retention.
What should you do on the first day?
The first day is the most important Make your expectations clearMake your expectations clear The course syllabusThe course syllabus Get to know your students and help them to meet other studentsGet to know your students and help them to meet other students Do something that motivates students on the first dayDo something that motivates students on the first day
Ice Breaker Questions
Some Instruction Strategies for Improving Self-Motivation
Think, Pair, Share Think about one of your favorite teachers.Think about one of your favorite teachers. How were you motivated to be successful in this course?How were you motivated to be successful in this course?
You can motivate by fear. And you can motivate by reward. But both of these methods are only temporary. The only lasting thing is self- motivation. Homer Rice, Football Coach
Research What enhances self- motivation? From Barbara Gross, Tools for Teaching
Frequent, Early Feedback Supports the student’s belief that they can do wellSupports the student’s belief that they can do well
Share Good Work Share samples of good work done in class.Share samples of good work done in class.
Challenge Students Not too easyNot too easy Not too difficultNot too difficult Students have to believe success is possible (self-efficacy)Students have to believe success is possible (self-efficacy) Provide early opportunities for successProvide early opportunities for success
Personal Value and Meaning Help students find this in whatever you are teachingHelp students find this in whatever you are teaching
How is it relevant? Give examples of how it is relevantGive examples of how it is relevant Relate new ideas to previously learned onesRelate new ideas to previously learned ones
Atmosphere Open and positiveOpen and positive Involve students in learningInvolve students in learning
Reward Success Positive feedback is powerful.Positive feedback is powerful. It builds self-confidence, competence and self-esteem.It builds self-confidence, competence and self-esteem. If performance is weak, let the students know that they can improve and how they can do it.If performance is weak, let the students know that they can improve and how they can do it.
Negative Feedback Focus on the task, not the personFocus on the task, not the person Balance with positive statements about what was goodBalance with positive statements about what was good
Feel Valued Help students to feel like they are a valued member of a learning communityHelp students to feel like they are a valued member of a learning community
Quiz Students Frequently Give frequent feedback on how well students are learning the material.Give frequent feedback on how well students are learning the material. Short quizzes and frequent small assignments are bestShort quizzes and frequent small assignments are best
Powerful Tools Weekly ScheduleWeekly Schedule Schedule AnalysisSchedule Analysis New: The One Hour ProjectNew: The One Hour Project
Summary Factors influencing motivation Active involvement of studentsActive involvement of students VarietyVariety Rapport between teacher and studentRapport between teacher and student Use of concrete examplesUse of concrete examples
Share Your Creative Ideas
Questions?Questions? Evaluation formsEvaluation forms