GEOGRAPHY & MIGRATION HGs look at: From where people migrate To where people migrate Why people migrate
MIGRATION cont. EMIGRATION IMMIGRATION From a location - Three years ago I emigrated from Malvern to Downingtown To a location - When I was 12 I immigrated to Malvern from Exton Net Migration – difference between E and I (know positive/negative; net-in/net-out)
ISSUE #1 Why do People Migrate?
REASONS FOR MIGRATING Most people migrate for economic reasons Also migrate due to cultural and environmental factors Don’t forget the role of distance decay in this matter!!! (why more Mexican workers than Argentinean?)
PUSH/PULL FACTORS: ECONOMIC Better job opportunities may pull/bad economy may push Certain resources attract certain professions (petroleum may attract miners/engineers) Area with rapid population growth will pull in service workers (construction workers, restaurant workers)
Scene from The Grapes of Wrath The Dust Bowl in the 1930s led to forced migration from the Great Plains to California and elsewhere.
PUSH/PULL FACTORS: CULTURAL Cultural factors such as slavery and political instability Creation of new countries with new boundaries (people on wrong side of the border – ex. India/Pakistan in late 1940s) Wars create refugees (ex. Sudan) Hope of democracy may pull people in (Cubans coming to America)
Refugees: Sources & Destinations Fig. 3-1: Major source and destination areas of both international and internal refugees. KNOW THIS MAP!!!!!!
PUSH/PULL FACTORS: ENVIRONMENTAL Pull towards attractive areas (warm climates, mountains, beaches…) Health concerns may force them to seek a new climate Water issues/disasters force many to move (Hurricane Katrina) Droughts causes others to leave (Sahel region of northern Africa)
Hurricane Katrina Migrants A major natural disaster represents an environmental push factor for forced migration.
INTERVENING OBSTACLES Before modern transportation they were mostly environmental (ex. Gold Rushers had a hard time getting to California……why?) More modern IOs include such things as government regulations (ex. Quotas)
INTERNAL MIGRATION Permanent movement within the same country Two types 1. interregional – from one region of a country to another (ex. NE to West) - historically, the main type has been from rural to urban areas (why?) 2. intraregional – movement within one region (ex. Florida to Georgia) - historically, the main type has been within urban areas
INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION Permanent movement from one country to another Two types 1. Voluntary – person chose to move for economic improvement 2. Forced – compelled to move due to cultural factors, felt they didn’t have a choice *** be aware of migration transition (p.87) *** you are responsible for “Characteristics of Migrants” on your own (pp. 87-88)
Where are Migrants Distributed? ISSUE #2 Where are Migrants Distributed?
GLOBAL MIGRATION PATTERNS Net Out = Asia, Latin America, Africa Net In = North America, Europe, Oceania Pattern of migration from LDCs to MDCs Highest percentage of immigrants is found in the Middle East (why?, doesn’t seem to make sense)
Global Migration Patterns Fig. 3-2: The major flows of migration are from less developed to more developed countries.
Net Migration (per population) Fig. 3-3: Net migration per 1000 population. The U.S. has the largest number of immigrants, but other developed countries also have relatively large numbers.
U.S. IMMIGRATION PATTERNS 3 main eras of migration: 1. colonial period mid-1800s-early 1900s 1970s-today
COLONIAL IMMIGRATION Came from Europe (voluntary) and Africa (forced) Prior to 1840, 90% of European immigrants came from G.B. 400,000 slaves before 1808; 250,000 after
Mid-1800s – EARLY 1900s U.S. offered the greatest hope of economic success (almost all during this Era were from Europe, the most from which country?) Europeans who didn’t come to the U.S. went mostly to temperate climates (ex. Canada, Australia, southern Africa, southern South America……why?) There have been three “peaks” of European immigration
3 PEAKS FIRST PEAK 1840s – 1850s more than 95% from N. and W. Europe (most from Ireland and Germany) mostly pushed by poor economic conditions and/or political unrest SECOND PEAK 1880s most from N. and W. Europe increasing amount from Scandinavian countries (increased population, as a result of the IR, was looking for opportunities) THIRD PEAK Late 1890s – early 1900s (1915) more than 90% were European, but primarily from S. and SE. Europe most from different places (Italy, Russian, Austria-Hungary) similar to reasons in second peak
RECENT IMMIGRATION (1970s – today) Immigration dropped sharply during1930s and 1940s (why?) Has surged since the 1970s, most from Latin America and Asia
IMMIGRATION FROM ASIA 7 million from Asia in last 25 years China, Philippines, India, Vietnam Many also go to Canada (Canada receives a higher % of Europeans and lower % of Latin Americans – what might explain this?)
IMMIGRATION FROM LATIN AMERICA 13 million from 1960 – 2005 (overtook Asia in the 1980s as the leading source of immigrants) Most from Mexico (compare to Germany) and The Dominican Republic Significant role played by the Immigration Reform and Control Act (1986) same reason as other regions (pushed by poor economic situation and pulled by economic opportunity)
Migration to U.S., by Region of Origin Fig. 3-4: Most migrants to the U.S were from Europe until the 1960s. Since then, Latin America and Asia have become the main sources of immigrants.
Migration from Asia to the U.S. Fig. 3-5: The largest numbers of migrants from Asia come from India, China, the Philippines, and Vietnam.
Migration from Latin America to the U.S. Fig. 3-6: Mexico has been the largest source of immigrants to the U.S., but immigrants have also come from numerous other Latin American nations.
U.S. States as Immigrant Destinations Fig. 3-8: California is the destination of about 25% of all US immigrants; another 25% go to New York and New Jersey. Other important destinations include Florida, Texas, and Illinois.
BIG PICTURE Pattern of immigration in U.S. has changed from mostly European to mostly Asian and Latin American Reasons remain the same, pushed by poor economic/political conditions and pulled by economic and social opportunities
review During the late 20th century most immigrants came from ___ and ___ One reason fewer Europeans migrate to the U.S. is due to the fact that they have low _____ and _____ that can support the population. They are in stage ___ Crossing the U.S./Mexican border is relatively easy (T/F) Define “undocumented immigrant” List the 4 states in which more than 50% of recent immigrants are clustered More than ¼ of all undocumented immigrants are located in this state alone Define Chain migration Why have Mexican migrants recently started going to the Midwest in larger numbers? What was the point and impact of the enclosure movement?
review During the late 20th century most immigrants came from ___ and ___ (Asia and Latin America) One reason fewer Europeans migrate to the U.S. is due to the fact that they have low _____ and _____ that can support the population. They are in stage ___ (natural increase rates; economies; 4) Crossing the U.S./Mexican border is relatively easy (T) Define “undocumented immigrant” (people who enter the country without proper documents) List the 4 states in which more than 50% of recent immigrants are clustered (California, New York, Florida, Texas) More than ¼ of all undocumented immigrants are located in this state alone (California) Define Chain migration (the migration of people to a specific location, because relatives or members of the same nationality migrated there) Why have Mexican migrants recently started going to the Midwest in larger numbers? (take industrial jobs shunned by Americans) What was the point and impact of the enclosure movement? (to make farms in England more efficient. It forced millions to emigrate from rural areas)
Why do Migrants Face Obstacles? ISSUE #3 Why do Migrants Face Obstacles?
IMMIGRATION POLICIES of HOST COUNTRIES Two policies used by host countries to control arrival of foreigners seeking work: Quota system Temporary Work
QUOTA LAWS Quota Act (1921) National Origins Act (1924) These two remained relatively unchanged until the 1960s European bias ???? Led to a decline in immigration By 1968 national quotas were replaced with “hemisphere” quotas Hemisphere quotas were replaced by global quotas in 1978 breakdown of what type of people are permitted? (most are to reunite families) Does this apply to refugees? Asians have very effectively used the family preference strategy, leading to a great deal of chain migration
BRAIN DRAIN Effects of U.S. immigration policies on countries with a lot of emigrants Some are unhappy that they are losing this “brain power” to Europe and the U.S. Should the U.S. care?
TYPES OF TEMPORARY WORKERS GUEST WORKERS TIME-CONTRACT WORKERS Citizens of poor countries who obtain jobs in Europe and the ME Take low-skilled, low-status jobs that locals don’t fill Benefits home and new country in different ways such as….? What protects them from exploitation? Most in Europe come from NA, ME, EE/SE and Asia A lot of Turks in Germany Workers from Asia recruited for a fixed period for a specific job (railroads, mines, plantations…) Many stayed after that time expired Many Chinese living in other Asian nations
ECONOMIC MIGRANT OR REFUGEE? (why does it matter?) Haitians were considered economic, not political refugees in the ‘80s until changed by a lawsuit by the Haitian people Cuban emigrants are seen as political refugees since the ’59 revolution - concentrated in Florida Surge of Vietnamese to U.S. after 1975 created some issues (boat people) 2nd surge in late ‘80s to other Asian nations about 800,000 have ended up in the U.S.
CULTURAL PROBLEMS FACED WHILE LIVING IN OTHER COUNTRIES Europe & Guest Workers U.S. Attitudes toward Immigrants 19th century – immigrants were often viewed with suspicion but helped settle new territories and extend U.S. control Opposition increased in early 20th century as the frontier “closed” Recent issues about things such as allowing/denying undocumented immigrants access to public services such as schools, day-care centers, health clinics… Isolated (usually arrive alone, send most money back home, experience language & cultural barriers) Some natives dislike/fear guest workers (why?) Recent efforts in Europe and ME to reduce the # of guest workers due to lower economic growth Troubles in Fiji?
Why do People Migrate Within a Country? ISSUE #4 Why do People Migrate Within a Country?
TYPES OF INTERNAL MIGRATRION (WITHIN THE SAME COUNTRY) INTERREGIONAL (between regions) INTRAREGIONAL (within the same region) Usually between rural and urban areas Usually from older cities to suburbs
MIGRATION BETWEEN REGIONS WITHIN THE U.S. Interregional was more prevalent in the past (why?) Most famous example of large-scale internal migration in U.S. history? (interregional or intraregional?) Population center has changed over the past 200 years (how? Why?)
Interregional Migration in the U.S. Fig. 3-13: Average annual migrations between regions in the U.S. in 1995 and in 2003
Intraregional Migration in the U.S. Fig. 3-14: Average annual migration among urban, suburban, and rural areas in the U.S. during the 1990s. The largest flow was from central cities to suburbs.
Center of Population in the U.S. Fig. 3-12: The center of U.S. population has consistently moved westward, with the migration of people to the west. It has also begun to move southward with migration to the southern sunbelt.
MIGRATION WITHIN ONE REGION (WITHIN THE SAME COUNTRY) Much more intraregional than interregional migration today Usually from rural to urban areas Today nearly ½ of world’s population lives in urban areas, in 1800 it was about 5%
MIGRATION FROM RURAL TO URBAN Industrialization in 1800s led to larger urban populations ¾ of current U.S. population lives in urban areas (5% in 1800) In LDCs this has skyrocketed and accounts for 50% of population increase in those areas (ex. Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Brasilia, Brazil Brasilia was created as Brazil’s new capital in 1960 and since then has attracted thousands of migrants in search of jobs.
MIGRATION FROM URBAN TO SUBURBAN In MDCs most intraregional migration is from cities to suburbs (opposite in LDCs) Unlike other migration, reasons are not related to employment (pulled by lifestyle) Consequences include converting farms to developments, more roads, sewers, schools….
MIGRATION FROM METROPOLITAN TO NONMETROPOLITAN New trend in late 1990s, more people in MDCs immigrated into rural areas than emigrated out of them (counterurbanization) Why? – growth of suburbs, lifestyle, less isolation with new technologies, retirees, leisure activities
Chapter 03: Review
03.01 Which of the following is the strongest push factor for international migration? 1. Political instability 2. High living standards 3. Severe weather 4. Inadequate supplies of agricultural land 5. Family disagreements
03.01 Which of the following is the strongest push factor for international migration? 1. Political instability 2. High living standards 3. Severe weather 4. Inadequate supplies of agricultural land 5. Family disagreements
03.02 In 2007, which of the following countries had the greatest number of internal refugees? 1. Poland 2. Brazil 3. United States 4. China 5. Iraq
03.02 In 2007, which of the following countries had the greatest number of internal refugees? 1. Poland 2. Brazil 3. United States 4. China 5. Iraq
03.03 Moving from San Francisco to Iowa would be considered 1. International migration 2. Intraregional migration 3. Interregional migration 4. Forced migration 5. Net migration
03.03 Moving from San Francisco to Iowa would be considered 1. International migration 2. Intraregional migration 3. Interregional migration 4. Forced migration 5. Net migration
03.04 The largest source of international migrants is 1. North America 2. South America 3. Africa 4. Asia 5. Europe
03.04 The largest source of international migrants is 1. North America 2. South America 3. Africa 4. Asia 5. Europe
03.05 The most likely destination of international migrants is 1. North America 2. South America 3. Africa 4. Asia 5. Europe
03.05 The most likely destination of international migrants is 1. North America 2. South America 3. Africa 4. Asia 5. Europe
03.06 In which decade was immigration into the United States the lowest?
03.06 In which decade was immigration into the United States the lowest?
03.07 Which country has been the largest source of immigrants from Asia to the United States over the last two decades? 1. Vietnam 2. Philippines 3. South Korea 4. Japan 5. India
03.07 Which country has been the largest source of immigrants from Asia to the United States over the last two decades? 1. Vietnam 2. Philippines 3. South Korea 4. Japan 5. India
03.08 The greatest number of undocumented immigrants in the United States come from 1. Canada 2. Mexico 3. Caribbean 4. Europe 5. Asia
03.08 The greatest number of undocumented immigrants in the United States come from 1. Canada 2. Mexico 3. Caribbean 4. Europe 5. Asia
03.09 Cuban emigrants to the United States 1. Are considered political refugees 2. Typically support Fidel Castro 3. Settle primarily in and around New York City 4. Are usually turned back at sea 5. Usually try to return to Cuba
03.09 Cuban emigrants to the United States 1. Are considered political refugees 2. Typically support Fidel Castro 3. Settle primarily in and around New York City 4. Are usually turned back at sea 5. Usually try to return to Cuba
03.10 Which of the following was a new trend in western countries in the 1990s? 1. Urbania 2. Rural to urban migration 3. Counterurbanization 4. Urban to urban migration 5. Suburban to suburban migration
03.10 Which of the following was a new trend in western countries in the 1990s? 1. Urbania 2. Rural to urban migration 3. Counterurbanization 4. Urban to urban migration 5. Suburban to suburban migration