Status: 14.02.2005 Water Information System for Europe (WISE) International Work Session on Water Statistics Vienna, 20-22 June 2005.


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Presentation transcript:

Status: Water Information System for Europe (WISE) International Work Session on Water Statistics Vienna, June 2005

Status: Introduction Current situation regarding reporting of water information in EU Water Information System for Europe -WISE State of play and progress on reporting under WFD The wider context (INSPIRE, EIONET, UWWT reporting, etc.)

Status: Current situation EEA COM Member States Data Information Users Information Data treatment Internat. Conven- tions Member States Public/ Stake- holders

Status: The EU bodies (DG ENV, JRC, ESTAT and EEA) and EU25 Member States, plus Norway, Bulgaria and Romania in the framework of CIS for WFD agreed on the Water Directors meeting in November 2003: newcomprehensiveshared “Development of a new, comprehensive, shared European data and information management system for water, including river basins (WISE). The system should be based on the concept paper and should be fully implemented by 2010” WISE - Background

Status: International Conventions Member States Public/ Stake- holders EEA COM Member States Data Information Users WISE Data treatment / aggregation Compliance checking Policy Effectiveness SoE Trends An. Purposes for reporting Drivers for data collection WISE -Common vision

Status: WISE aims Efficient management of all water- related information at EU level Coherence between various reporting mechanisms and needs Acces to information / data for various purposes and needs

Status: Close co-ordination between European bodies (ENV, JRC, ESTAT and EEA) Collaboration with Member States Spin off to linked activities (INSPIRE, GMES, EIONET, UWWT Reporting, RTD) Development of WISE tools (reference data, internet prototype, GIS) Agreement of reporting requirements (reporting sheets) WISE process

Status: Water Information System for Europe Tools WISE concept WISE reporting sheets Process WISE prototypeWISE RTD web WISE GIS Components WISE Compliance WISE / EIONET Water WISE elements WG Reporting WISE GIS experts Reference data

Status: The “Water Information System for Europe” is: an idea/vision (2002) a concept (2003) – concept paper published on internet a process (2003 …) – CIS Working Group D on Reporting a co-operation (between EU bodies and MS) a set of tools (GIS, prototype, RTD, …) an internet and “single entry” portal ( a definition of reporting requirements a gateway for (public) information (2006) What is WISE?

Status: WFD reporting 2004 and 2005 (Art. 3+5) defined WFD 2004 reporting tool online (until end of June 2005) WFD 2005 reporting tool currently being finalised ( ready for testing in July) 11 (+ 3) MS completed WISE reporting for Article 3 report 2004 WISE – state-of-play

Status: Logon screen

Status: Article 3 report – submission (June 2005)

Status: Completion of 2005 reporting input template Development of output module (restricted and public-to be launched in 2006) Preparation of WFD reporting guidance on monitoring and RBMP Further development of WISE GIS Integration of other water databases: intercalibration, UWWT, flooding etc. Closer integration of EIONET Water Further development of RTD interface WISE - next steps and outlook

Status: Water WISE Environmental Reporting/ EIONET/INSPIRE X-Cutting Issues such as biodiversity and health AirSoil Agri- culture Climate Others … WISE in the wider context

Status: UWWTD integration into WISE WaterWISE SOIL Air Climate change Others … Agri- culture UWWTD DB Other Directives Bathing water DB Environmental Reporting / EIONET / INSPIRE

Status: UWWTD: a single reporting system Art. 15(4) Including information on Art.3, 4, 5, 6, 13, 15 (1,2,3) UWWTD DB Art. 16 Paper copies of published reports in national languages Art. 17 Paper copies (or electronic format - as an option) UWWTD DB Electronic format Art.15Art.17Art.16 all requirements of UWWTD Other requests for all requirements of UWWTD WISE Reporting long-term Reporting after 2005 Reporting before 2005