Kende u, 13-17, Budapest, Hungary Systems and Control Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences Systems and Control Laboratory Prof. József Bokor head member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Kende u, 13-17, Budapest, Hungary Systems and Control Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences System science Identification Control theory Signal theory Change detection Measurement Data acquisition Signal processing Failure detection System testing Control design
Kende u, 13-17, Budapest, Hungary Systems and Control Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences Systems theory General methods of describing and analyzing nonlinear systems Special nonlinear system models: bilinear, affine, linear parameter varying (LPV) Applications in system identification, change detection, and control Beyond linear systems …
Kende u, 13-17, Budapest, Hungary Systems and Control Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences Control theory Linear theory: elaboration of robust control Nonlinear control theory Special nonlinear control problems: LPV control Multi-agent cooperative control Hybrid control systems, switching control Fault tolerant, reconfigurable control
Kende u, 13-17, Budapest, Hungary Systems and Control Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences Process modeling and control Modeling based on first engineering principles (model reduction, minimal models) Multi-scale modeling of complex systems Model analysis (stability, controllability) Model calibration and validation (identification) Special nonlinear systems: - Quasi-polynomial and reaction kinetic systems - Quantum systems - Medical systems (bio-mechanical) Model-based diagnosis of discrete event and hybrid systems
Kende u, 13-17, Budapest, Hungary Systems and Control Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences Signal theory Nonstandard signal representations Orthogonal rational bases, rational wavelets Building a priori knowledge in the signal representations Applications in change and object detection, system identification Applications to 2-dimensional signals – images
Kende u, 13-17, Budapest, Hungary Systems and Control Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences Educational activities Lecture on Control Systems (J. Bokor, P. Gáspár) Road Traffic Automation (I. Varga) On-board Automatic Control Systems (A. Soumelidis) Collaboration of SZTAKI-SCL with the Faculty of Transportation Engineering Budapest University of Technology and Economics Teaching activities Supporting education UAV and Embedded Control Lab Involving students in R&D activities Consulting thesis works
Kende u, 13-17, Budapest, Hungary Systems and Control Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences Application fields Industrial control – Power systems – Nuclear Power Plants Vehicles, vehicle systems, transportation control Biomedical signal processing and control PAKS
Kende u, 13-17, Budapest, Hungary Systems and Control Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences Digital Control Systems Fault tolerant and reconfigurable design Verification and validation of the control system design and realization Safety and reliability analysis Test system design and realization Failure detection and diagnosis Application: Refurbishment of the Reactor Protection System in Nuclear Power Plant Paks PAKS
Kende u, 13-17, Budapest, Hungary Systems and Control Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences Unified Test System (UTS)
Kende u, 13-17, Budapest, Hungary Systems and Control Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences PWR – Pressurizer Control Pressurizer: prevents the water from boiling by keeping a pre-defined pressure Minimal physical model LQ type controller with inversion 2 % power increase in 3 blocks
Kende u, 13-17, Budapest, Hungary Systems and Control Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences Pressurizer Control Implementation A distributed control scheme Power Switches Sensors Actuator PLC Control PLC Network Pressurizer PWR Primary Loop Network
Kende u, 13-17, Budapest, Hungary Systems and Control Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences PWR – Primary Circuit Coordination of the controllers (power, pressure, level) Verification of safety procedures (PRISE) Physical model
Kende u, 13-17, Budapest, Hungary Systems and Control Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences PWR – Primary Circuit Identification Water Steam generator Reactor MPC controller
Kende u, 13-17, Budapest, Hungary Systems and Control Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences Advanced Vehicles and Vehicle Control (AVVC) Knowledge Center the research and development of integrated vehicle control, control of traffic systems by communication networks, and fault tolerant system architectures.
Kende u, 13-17, Budapest, Hungary Systems and Control Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences Innovation of distributed driver assistance systems for a commercial vehicles platform
Kende u, 13-17, Budapest, Hungary Systems and Control Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences Vehicle control systems Positioning and navigation Tracking control Improving tracking stability Lane and obstacle detection, avoiding unintended lane departure and collision Special control problems: active suspension, power- train stability control Cooperative vehicle control Unmanned vehicles
Kende u, 13-17, Budapest, Hungary Systems and Control Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences Vehicle control Ride stability (rollover and yaw stability, road holding, safety, efficiency) Comfort (passenger comfort, suspension system)
Kende u, 13-17, Budapest, Hungary Systems and Control Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences Suspension system Stability and performance criteria – road holding, passenger comfort LQ, H 2, H , LPV control Without an active suspension system With an active suspension system Testbed
Kende u, 13-17, Budapest, Hungary Systems and Control Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences Tracking a predefined path Path definition Control design for tracking a path Performances
Kende u, 13-17, Budapest, Hungary Systems and Control Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences Prevention of an unintended lane departure Camera-based lane detection Prediction of vehicle dynamics Unilateral braking
Kende u, 13-17, Budapest, Hungary Systems and Control Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences Integrated vehicle control The vehicle system includes active components. The aim of the control design is to combine and supervise all the controllable subsystems to ensure the management of resources.
Kende u, 13-17, Budapest, Hungary Systems and Control Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences Controlling vehicle groups is not identical to multiple individual controls… COOPERATIVE CONTROL Cooperative Vehicle Control An important subfield of control science
Kende u, 13-17, Budapest, Hungary Systems and Control Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences Robust LPV Gain Scheduling Techniques for Space Applications
Kende u, 13-17, Budapest, Hungary Systems and Control Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences Advanced Fault Diagnosis for Safer Flight Guidance and Control Deimos Space S.L. DEIMOS Spain AIRBUS France S.A.S AIRBUS France Deutsches Zentrum fu ̈ r Luftund Raumfahrt E.V. DLR Germany University of Hull UHULL United Kingdom University of Leicester ULEIC United Kingdom Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS-IMS France Technische Universiteit Delft UDELFT The Netherlands
Kende u, 13-17, Budapest, Hungary Systems and Control Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences Hierarchical communication- based distributed control Global board control Control Center Wide-range communication Short-range communication Local vehicle control Control Over Network Software Enabled Control (SEC) Design technologies:
Kende u, 13-17, Budapest, Hungary Systems and Control Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences Control over Network Distributed control Self-dependent control agents – embedded systems Conventional and wireless networks Analyzing the influence of networks in the stability and the quality of control Control network architectures, protocols, routing schemes Reliability, failure tolerance, reconfigurability CAN and its successors Time-critical and fault-tolerant solutions FlexRay Formal design and analysis tools IEEE – WLAN, WiFi IEEE – Personal Area Networks (PANs) IEEE – WiMAX Ultra Wide Band (UWB) solutions
Kende u, 13-17, Budapest, Hungary Systems and Control Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences Software Enabled Control (SEC) Synchronization Guaranteed response time Communication Reconfigurability Software technology Reliable realization Automatic code generation Reusability Velocity Vehicle capabilities Human driver Maneuverability SEC Conven- tional control Vehicle control Requirements:
Kende u, 13-17, Budapest, Hungary Systems and Control Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences Board electronics – embedded computing, embedded control HW realization platforms Microcontrollers Digital signal processors Embedded computers Embedded peripherals Sensors, “smart sensors” Communication devices Network elements I/O peripherals SW platforms and tools Embedded operational systems Real-time environments Development tools for cooperating control
Kende u, 13-17, Budapest, Hungary Systems and Control Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences Vehicle model laboratory Autonomous vehicle (UAV) models: cars, planes, helicopters Model experiments: individual and cooperative control
Kende u, 13-17, Budapest, Hungary Systems and Control Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences Biomedical diagnostics: cornea topography Modeling of optical surfaces Camera-based measurements Image-processing Reconstruction of the 3D surface Goals: Accurate surface and refractive power measurement Supporting refractive eye- surgery
Kende u, 13-17, Budapest, Hungary Systems and Control Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences Thank You for Your Attention!