Agreeing and Disagreeing


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Presentation transcript:

Agreeing and Disagreeing Giving opinions and discussing likes and dislikes

I think Italian food is fantastic!! What do you think? I think Italian food is fantastic!! Choose and practice the answer to give your opinion Yes, you are right. Isn't it a little difficult to prepare? Yes, It ´s marvelous. I don't really agree with you. Do you? Especially pizzas.

Agree or Disagree with the following topics Give your opinion to each of the situations. Do you agree or disagree? Example: A: Cold in here, isn´it? B: Is it? I really think it's too hot. I think we should /∫ud/ cancel the whole project right now. I think we should move production to a country where labor costs are cheaper. My Volkswagen is very reliable. /rilaiabl/ This wine is very good. I think SuperAudit should audit /odit/ our accounts next year. Answers Yes, you are right I don't really agree with you. I think… Do you? I think… Is it? I think…

Listen and watch

Giving an opinion of agreement or disagreement. Example: A: How do you feel about the stray dogs of Valparaiso? B: Well, if you ask me, the stray dogs are a big problem. A: Why do you think that? B: They are malnourished, hungry, sick, and so sad. A: That’s a good point.

Make up conversations Giving opinions If you ask me… Example: A: How do you feel about the stray dogs of Valparaiso? B: Well, if you ask me, the stray dogs are a big problem. A: Why do you think that? B: They are malnourished, hungry, sick, and so sad. A: That’s a good point. Talk about… Stray dogs Capital punishment Marriage Gambling Violence on TV and in movies Any other topic Giving opinions If you ask me… Don’t you agree that…? You know what I think? I think that… Agreement Exactly. I couldn’t agree more. That’s exactly what I think. That’s a good point. Disagreement I’m not sure if I agree. Maybe, but don’t you think that..?

Agreeing or disagreeing Example: A: Don’t you agree that learning English is pointless! (1) B: I’m not sure if I agree – I think it’s probably a good thing to do. A: Why do you say that? B: Well, because English is a world language – you need it to communicate with people from other countries. A: That’s a good point.

Agreeing and Disagreeing Example: A: Don’t you agree that learning English is pointless! (1) B: I’m not sure if I agree – I think it’s probably a good thing to do. A: Why do you say that? B: Well, because English is a world language – you need it to communicate with people from other countries. A: That’s a good point. Talk about: (1) “Learning English is pointless.” “Marriage is out of date.” “This university is the best one in Chile.” “The Simpsons is the most intelligent show on TV today” Giving opinions If you ask me… Don’t you agree that…? You know what I think? I think that… Agreement Exactly. I couldn’t agree more. That’s exactly what I think. That’s a good point. I think so, too Disagreement I’m not sure if I agree. Maybe, but don’t you think that..? I wouldn’t say that.

Find the mistakes One is correct, but the others have mistakes 1 That's interesting, but I'm not sure if I am agree. 2 I think you might have right. 3 Exactly. Now, are you all agree? 4 I think you are right. 5 I'm not sure I disagree. 6 OK. Do we all agreed now? 7 I don't entirely agree

Right answers 1 That's interesting, but I'm not sure if I agree. 2 I think you might be right. 3 Exactly. Now, Do you all agree? 4 I think you are right. 5 I'm not sure If I agree. 6 OK. Do we all agree now? 7 I ‘m not entirely agree

Issue: Television Plays a Positive Role in Society Expressions Well, from my point of view… Don’t you think that…? What about you? What’s your reaction to that? Would you like to add anything? In spite of this, … For instance… As a matter of fact… Even so… What’s more… Because of this… To put it simply… Unless we…, we won’t… That sounds like a good idea, but… I’m not really sure… If you ask me… Don’t you agree that…? You know what I think? I think that… I’m not sure if I agree. Maybe, but don’t you think that..? Pro : Well, from my point of view television is now playing a very important role in our lives. Con: Don’t you think that television is a great time waster.

Activity: Pick up one argument from the pile. Decide if it is an con or pro argument. Move to the con or pro corner. Share your argument with your partners. Complete your arguments with a possible expression of agreement or disagrement. Share your arguments with the class.

Part 1: With Your Partner, Think of at Least One Strong Reason for Each Resolution 1. Women should quit their job after they get married. REASON: 2. Love is more important than money. REASON: 3. It is better to be married than single. REASON: 4. Writing by hand is better than writing by computer. REASON: Part 2: Now Compare Your Reasons with Another Pair and Decide Whose Reasons are Stronger and Why

Ways to State Reasons: . Comparison: X is _____ er than Y. OR: X is more _____ than Y. Cause-and-effect: X causes Y. OR: If you do X, then Y will happen.

Well, I'm not so sure about that. Hmm, I'm not sure you're right. AHow to Agree Strongly with an Opinion. I couldn't agree more! That's absolutely true! Absolutely! I agree with your point. I'd go along with you there. I'm with you on that. That's just what I was thinking. That's exactly what I think. That's a good point. That's just how I see it. That's exactly my opinion. B. How to Half Agree with an Opinion. Yes, perhaps, however ... Well, yes, but ... Yes, in a way, however ... Hmm, possibly, but ... Yes, I agree up to a point, however ... Well, you have a point there, but ... There's something there, I suppose, however. I guess you could be right, but ... Yes, I suppose so, however ... That's worth thinking about, but ... C. How to Disagree Politely with an Opinion. I am not so sure. Do you think so? Well, it depends. I'm not so certain. Well, I don't know. Well, I'm not so sure about that. Hmm, I'm not sure you're right. I'm inclined to disagree with that. No, I don't think so. D. How to Disagree Strongly with an Opinion. I disagree. I disagree with your idea. I'm afraid I don't agree. I'm afraid your idea is wrong. I can't agree with you. I couldn't accept that for a minute. You can't actually mean that. I wouldn't go along with you there. You can't be serious about that. You must be joking. It's possible you are mistaken about that.

MINI DEBATE With your partner, One of you will be the pro-side and one the con-side, The pro-side is responsible for introducing the topic. The topic will be: Ex " a tree is more important than a car“ Then the pro-side has one minute to make arguments for his/her side. The con-side has one minute to make arguments for his/her side. The students in the class have to decide if they agree or disagree with the debaters and get together for arguments.

A Tree is More Important than a Car I DISAGREE CARS are more important: Cars are necessary for transportation. Cars contribute to business development and commerce. I AGREE TREES are more important: Trees are good for the environment Cars pollute the environment Trees prevent erosion. Trees are beautiful.

Disagree Agree I agree In that case, I agree. I'll go along with you. Ex " a tree is more important than a car" Disagree Agree I'm afraid I'm not convinced. I don't entirely agree. I'm not sure about that. I can't agree with you there. I don't think that's quite correct. I agree In that case, I agree. I'll go along with you. I couldn't agree more. That's right. I concur. Absolutely!

So do I / Neither do I / etc I’m very interested in archaeology. I can’t stand waiting in airports. My friends and I play tennis a lot. I’ll be going to the south of Chile in Dec. I don’t believe in politicians. So am I. Neither can I. So do we. So will I. Neither do I.

To agree with a positive statement: We use so + auxiliary\modal verb + pronoun: "I like tea without sugar.' 'So do I.' To agree with a positive statement: We use nor/neither + auxiliary\modal verb + pronoun: "I don't like tea with sugar.' 'Nor do I.' or 'Neither do I.' To disagree with a positive statement: We use pronoun + auxiliary\modal verb + not (-n't): "I like tea without sugar.' 'I don't.' To disagree with a negative statement: We use pronoun + auxiliary\modal verb: "I don't like tea with sugar.' 'I do.

S0 / NEITHER Example: I’m tired. So am I. I didn’t like Jurassic Park. I can’t stand people who are rude. I should really exercise more. I’ve never been to Fiji. I like going to the movies. I usually go on vacation somewhere in the summer.

Preliminary practice Agreeing Exercise 1 Student 1 : I like spaghetti. Student 2: So do I. I don't like snakes. Student 3: Nor do I. I like playing tennis. Student 4 : ? Exercise 2 Student 1 : I've been to Rio. Student 2: So have I. I have never done karate Student 3: Nor have I. I have canoed in a river. Student 4: ?

Homework Practice the dialogs and choose one topic for discussion in class, or get another topic of your interest. Choose another topic from slides 8 and 9 make up a conversation with your partner and voice record the dialog. Send the recording to the teacher by mail.

Tom: Well, Ken, if you ask me, there’s too much violence on television. Ken: I’m not sure if I agree with you. I’ve never read anything about that. Tom: Ken, it’s common sense. The point is, if you keep seeing shootings and muggings, you won’t care if it happens on your street. Mary: I think that’s interesting but…I’ve never met anyone who is apathetic about violence. Tom: Oh, I’m sorry, I don’t see what you mean. Would you mind explaining that point Mary: Let me put it another way, Tom. The people on my street – they’re not influenced by what happens on TV. Sue: Oh, but people may care about violence on their street, but not about violence in general. Ken: Wouldn’t you say that TV is just a passive way of letting off steam? Sue: Oh, Ken, that’s exactly what I mean! People watching violence to cool off proves my point – they get used to violence! Mary: I think that’s a good point, Sue. I mean, Ken, don’t you see what she’s saying? Sue: Yes! There’s got to be a better way to cool off! Mary: I agree. Ken: So do I. Anyway, I don’t like TV very much. Sue: (laughs) Neither do I! It’s boring. Mary: That’s true! Why argue about it?

In your dialogue, be sure to include this language: Well, from my point of view… Don’t you think that…? What about you? What’s your reaction to that? Would you like to add anything? In spite of this, … For instance… As a matter of fact… Even so… What’s more… Because of this… To put it simply… Unless we…, we won’t… That sounds like a good idea, but… I’m not really sure… If you ask me… Don’t you agree that…? You know what I think? I think that… I’m not sure if I agree. Maybe, but don’t you think that..?