Distance Learning through Technology Survey Summer 2002 Survey distributed to all exclusively on-line classes in Summer Survey was also mailed to all students who took on-line courses in 2002 and 2001
Given a choice between a distance learning course and a traditional course, I would rather enroll in a distance learning course.
QuestionCountPercentage Answered Agree Strongly1340.6% Agree Somewhat928.1% Disagree Somewhat412.5% Disagree Strongly618.8%
More material is covered by the instructor in a distance learning course than in a course offered in the traditional setting.
QuestionCountPercentage Answered Agree Strongly1238.7% Agree Somewhat825.8% Disagree Somewhat619.4% Disagree Strongly516.1%
This distance learning course did not significantly hamper my effectiveness as a student.
QuestionCountPercentage Answered Agree Strongly1650.0% Agree Somewhat928.1% Disagree Somewhat39.4% Disagree Strongly412.5%
There were adequate library resources available for my papers and projects.
QuestionCountPercentage Answered Agree Strongly1959.4% Agree Somewhat825.0% Disagree Somewhat26.3% Disagree Strongly39.4%
Questions and comments were responded to in a timely manner.
QuestionCountPercentage Answered Agree Strongly2062.5% Agree Somewhat515.6% Disagree Somewhat515.6% Disagree Strongly26.3%
My exam scores would have been significantly higher had the course been taught in a traditional setting.
QuestionCountPercentage Answered Agree Strongly412.9% Agree Somewhat39.7% Disagree Somewhat1032.3% Disagree Strongly1445.2%
I believe that taking a distance learning course requires significantly more student preparation time outside of class than does a course offered in the traditional setting.
QuestionCountPercentage Answered Agree Strongly2062.5% Agree Somewhat515.6% Disagree Somewhat39.4% Disagree Strongly412.5%
If given a choice between a distance learning course and a traditional one, I would select a distance learning course.
QuestionCountPercentage Answered Agree Strongly928.1% Agree Somewhat825.0% Disagree Somewhat928.1% Disagree Strongly618.8%
Distance learning did not inhibit my classroom participation discernably.
QuestionCountPercentage Answered Agree Strongly1546.9% Agree Somewhat928.1% Disagree Somewhat515.6% Disagree Strongly39.4%
The group-learning techniques incorporated into my distance learning course were effective.
QuestionCountPercentage Answered Agree Strongly1753.1% Agree Somewhat721.9% Disagree Somewhat39.4% Disagree Strongly515.6%
The incorporation of student presentations into my distance learning class were effective.
QuestionCountPercentage Answered Agree Strongly1546.9% Agree Somewhat825.0% Disagree Somewhat515.6% Disagree Strongly412.5%
The instructor adapted their instructional methods for delivery through distance learning without sacrificing intended instructional objectives.
QuestionCountPercentage Answered Agree Strongly1753.1% Agree Somewhat928.1% Disagree Somewhat26.3% Disagree Strongly412.5%
Assignments and tests were promptly graded.
QuestionCountPercentage Answered Agree Strongly1856.3% Agree Somewhat39.4% Disagree Somewhat515.6% Disagree Strongly618.8%