When Christians Disagree Chapter 12 Romans 14:1-15:7
Disunity, a major problem with God’s people Ps 133:1 – Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. Problems from backgrounds of the believers in the churches Keep convictions to himself rather than to criticize and judge one another Believers can disagree on non essentials and still maintain unity in the church
Receiver One Another (14:1-12) Begins and ends with the same admonition: receive one another Strong in faith & weak in faith Strong: understood the spiritual liberty & were not enslaved to diet & days Weak: immature Christians who felt obligated to obey the legalistic rules concerning the diet & days Strong Christians were despising the weak Weak Christians were judging the strong Christians God receives us (1-3)
Jesus Christ is the Lord (5-9) Not our responsibility to decide the requirements for Christian fellowship Augustine: In essentials unity, in nonessentials liberty, in all things charity Peter: Acts 11 & Gal. 2:11-13 Fellowship is not based on food and days God sustains His own (4) Wrong for the weak Christians to take place of God God the Master, the Christians the servants Success doesn’t depend on the opinions or attitudes of other Christians Servants should be busy for the Lord and not judge or condemn other Christians Jesus Christ is the Lord (5-9) Lord 8 times in v. 5-9 No Christians has the right to play God in the lives of other Christians
Jesus is the judge (10-12) We relate food & day to the Lord “fully persuaded in his own mind” (5) Let every man see to it that he is really doing for the Lord’s sake, and not merely on the basis of prejudice & whim Some standards & practices in our local churches are traditional, but not necessarily scriptural John 21:15-25: “What is that to thee? Follow me.” Paul’s emphasis on believers’ union: Whether we live, therefore, or die, we are the Lord’s (8) Jesus is the judge (10-12) Both weak & strong will stand at the judgment seat (bema) of Christ (I Cor 9:24-27) and be judged for the works, not sins How we build our ministries (I Cor 3:10-15) How to prepare
Making Jesus Lord of his life and faithfully obeying Him Judge ourselves rather than other Christians (Luke 12:41-48, Heb 13:17, I John 2:28) Sin keeps us from serving Christ Loss of reward (I Cor 3:15) Lot & Abraham Give account of ourselves Principle of Lordship Spurgeon & Parker “I have learned that God blessed people I disagree with” Edify One Another (14:13-23) The emphasis on brother relationship, not master-servant Principle of brotherly love
Christians affect one another (13-15) Christian can cause other believers to stumble, grieve others, or even destroy others Knowledge & love (I Cor 8:1): “Knowlwdge puffs up, but love builds up. There is nothing unclean of itself (14) Issue is not “How does it affect me?”, rather “If I do this, how will it affect my brother?” Christians must have priorities (16-18) Christians major in minor things Division over insignificant matters Eternal matter, not external must be first in our lives: righteousness. peace & joy Spiritual priorities essential to harmony in church Christians must help each other grow (19-21) Strong believers need to grow in love Weak believers need to grow in knowledge
Christians must not force their opinions on others (22-23) The weak must learn from the strong; strong believers must love the weak Result: peace & maturity to the glory of God Christians must not force their opinions on others (22-23) Certain truths all Christians must accept because they are the foundation for their faith If conviction from God, keep to yourself Conscience is strengthened by knowledge Knowledge must be balance by love Please one another (15:1-7) Basic problem with strong Christians: selfishness True Christian love seeks to share with others & make them happy Sources of spiritual power to please others Word of God (4) Prayer (5-6)
Patience vs impatience The local church must major in the Word of God & prayer Acts 6:1-7 – Deacons were chosen Result: glory of God Abraham’s words: “Let there be no strife … for we be brethren.” (Gen 13:8) Jesus prayed for the unity in John 17:20-26) Receive one another, edify one another, & please one another to the glory of God
Person’s spiritual maturity is revealed by his discernment Psalm 69:9b – The reproaches of them that reproached thee fell on me (15:3) Measure your sacrifice by Christ’s sacrifice Person’s spiritual maturity is revealed by his discernment Willing to give up his right to help others grow Blessing rather than burden