Opinion Survey - Results SS 2011 (Groups A + B combined)
Your ranking of problems in the the US Austria 1) Health Care3.2 2) Crime3.6 3) Poverty4.1 4) Unemployment4.2 5) Guns4.7 6) Racism6.3 7) Drugs6.6 8) Immigration6.7 9) Discrim./Women7.5 10) Education8.1 1) Immigration3.3 2) Education3.3 3) Racism3.8 4) Unemployment4.6 5) Poverty5.3 6) Discrim./Women5.6 7) Health care6.3 8) Crime6.3 9) Drugs7.4 10) Guns9.2
Your ranking of problems in the the US Austria 1) Health Care3.2 2) Crime3.6 3) Poverty4.1 4) Unemployment4.2 5) Guns4.7 6) Racism6.3 7) Drugs6.6 8) Immigration6.7 9) Discrim./Women7.5 10) Education8.1 1) Immigration3.3 2) Education3.3 3) Racism3.8 4) Unemployment4.6 5) Poverty5.3 6) Discrim./Women5.6 7) Health care6.3 8) Crime6.3 9) Drugs7.4 10) Guns9.2
"The illegal drug problem in Austria is getting worse." AgreeDisagree 38%41% = 11 (agree completely and agree) = 12 (disagree and disagree completely)
"There should be harsher punishments for drug users." AgreeDisagree 38%41% = 11 (agree completely and agree) = 12 (disagree and disagree completely)
"There is a clear difference between legal (pharmaceutical) and illegal drugs." AgreeDisagree 52%38% = 15 (agree completely and agree) = 11 (disagree and disagree completely)
"Most black people in the US are poor." AgreeDisagree 28%45% = 8 (agree completely and agree) = 13 (disagree and disagree completely)
"Racism is not a problem in Austria." AgreeDisagree 3%90% = 1 (agree completely and agree) = 26 (disagree and disagree completely)
"Austria is a multicultural society." AgreeDisagree 28%66% = 8 (agree completely and agree) = 19 (disagree and disagree completely)
"It is very difficult to buy a gun in Austria." AgreeDisagree 62%28% = 18 (agree completely and agree) = 8 (disagree and disagree completely)
"Most Americans own a gun." AgreeDisagree 45%28% = 13 (agree completely and agree) = 8 (disagree and disagree completely)
"Guns don't kill. People do." AgreeDisagree 72%24% = 21 (agree completely and agree) = 7 (disagree and disagree completely)
" More laws are needed in Austria to protect women." AgreeDisagree 38% = 11 (agree completely and agree) = 11 (disagree and disagree completely)
"Men should help their wives / girlfriends / partners with the household work." AgreeDisagree 97%3% = 28 (agree completely and agree) = 1 (disagree and disagree completely)
"The female students in this class will have the same job and income prospects as the male students when they finish their studies." AgreeDisagree 41%55% = 12 (agree completely and agree) = 16 (disagree and disagree completely)
"Getting a job will raise a person out of poverty." AgreeDisagree 55%28% = 16 (agree completely and agree) = 8 (disagree and disagree completely)
"If a healthy adult person is poor, it is probably his/her own fault." AgreeDisagree 14%66% 0+ 4 = 4 (agree completely and agree) = 19 (disagree and disagree completely)
"There is no true poverty in Austria." AgreeDisagree 3%90% = 1 (agree completely and agree) = 26 (disagree and disagree completely)
"The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer." AgreeDisagree 90%7% = 26 (agree completely and agree) = 2 (disagree and disagree completely)
"Globalization is a natural development that can't be stopped." AgreeDisagree 48%38% = 14 (agree completely and agree) = 11 (disagree and disagree completely)
"Opening up their markets willl help developing countries." AgreeDisagree 55%31% = 16 (agree completely and agree) = 9 (disagree and disagree completely)
"Large corporations have too much power." AgreeDisagree 76%10% = 22 (agree completely and agree) = 3 (disagree and disagree completely)
"Corporations exist to create wealth; their only responsibility is to make profit for shareholders." AgreeDisagree 41%48% = 12 (agree completely and agree) = 14 (disagree and disagree completely)
"A flexible workforce is a good thing." AgreeDisagree 66%17% = 19 (agree completely and agree) = 5 (disagree and disagree completely)
"The education system in Austria is much better than the American one." AgreeDisagree 21%48% = 6 (agree completely and agree) = 14 (disagree and disagree completely)
"American hospitals /doctors refuse treatment to patients without health insurance." AgreeDisagree 38%17% = 11 (agree completely and agree) = 5 (disagree and disagree completely)
"There is no social safety net in the United States." AgreeDisagree 62%28% = 18 (agree completely and agree) = 8 (disagree and disagree completely)