Professional Development Emily M Castleberry UNC-TV Teachers and Administrators Views
What is Professional Development? A career-long process in which educators fine- tune their teaching to meet student needs Essential to maintain the requisite knowledge, skills, and attitudes to be a successful teacher Opportunities offered to educators to develop knowledge, skills, approaches, and dispositions to improve job effectiveness. (Diaz-Maggioli, 2004)
Agree or Disagree Effective professional development is cyclical, ongoing, and includes the three phases: vision building, implementation, and sustainability (Steinkuehler, Derry, Woods and Hmelo-Silver, 2001).
Agree or Disagree Whether professional development activities are positive or negative on the professional development of the teachers involved depends greatly on the culture of the school setting. (Peterson, 2002)
Agree or Disagree Principals and other school leaders shape school culture. –First, they read the culture –Second, they assess the culture –Finally, they actively shape the culture by reinforcing positive aspects and working to transform negative aspects of the culture (Peterson & Deal, 2002).
Agree or Disagree Professional development research stresses that professional development is most effective when integrated into a teacher’s daily classroom practice, and incorporates immediate and ongoing follow-up designed to close identified gaps in a teacher’s capabilities (Johnson, Potter, Pughsley, Wallace, Kellor & Odden, 1999; Fishman, Best, Marx & Tal, 2001).
Agree or Disagree Professional development opportunities need to be focused, coherent, sustained, and need to create an ethic of collaboration (Lieberman and Miller, 1999), resulting in the development of professional communities of teachers (McLaughlin and Talbert, 1993; Schlager & Fusco, 2003).
Agree or Disagree High-quality professional development programs are designed to focus on learning, not only at a training site, but also on-the- job. Opportunities for teachers to reflect on their instructional practice and engage in meaningful practice of new strategies are an integral part of a quality program (Haslam & Seremet, 2001).
Agree or Disagree A shift to a performance-based approach to supervision and evaluation demands the commitment and energy of both teachers and supervisors (Aseltine, Faryniarz & Rigazio DiGilio, 2006). There is no doubt that the current educational climate is driven by an overriding concern with student achievement and what promotes it (Smith & Gillespie, 2007).
Agree or Disagree The sheer magnitude of human knowledge, world globalization, and the accelerating rate of change due to technology necessitates a shift in our children’s education—from plateaus of knowing to continuous cycles of learning.. We must recognize the need for multiple assessments to measure these skills within the context of academic standards, evaluating their application to today’s technological, global society. Professional development must prepare teachers to prepare their students for the 21 st Century.
NC 12 Standards Based Upon Context--address the organization, system and culture Content--examines what students must know and be able to do Process--describe the learning processes used in the acquisition of new knowledge and skills and address the use of data, evaluation and research
NC 12 Standards Handout Please take out your copy describing NC’s 12 Standards of Professional Development
See Questionnaire Handout Join Group of either Teachers or Administrators to answer questions. Write down and discuss answers. We will then discuss as whole group.
Questions or Thoughts? Emily M. Castleberry Director of TeacherLine UNC-TV 10 TW Alexander Drive Research Triangle Park, NC