Kwun Tong Government Secondary School Project Learning Course How to design surveys and questionnaires Lau Kwok Chi
Survey design involve the followings steps : Define the objectives of the survey – What you want to know Determine the target population – From whom you will collect opinions
Sampling –sampling methods – How to find out some people from your target population so that their views are representative of the population –sample size - How many people in your target population you will collect their views
Choose appropriate method of reaching the people 1.personal interview 2.telephone interview 3.Internet 4.mail
Write the questionnaire – What you will ask Try out the questionnaire – Is the questionnaire good enough ? Send out and collect questionnaires
Analyze and present the data Interpret the Results
Tips in designing questionnaires Keep the questionnaire brief and concise Start with an introduction or welcome message Avoid embarrassing questions on private matters
Tips in designing questionnaires Reassure your respondent that his or her responses will be kept confidential List answers in order : 1) Strongly disagree 2)Disagree 3) agree 4)strongly agree
Tips in designing questionnaires Write questions in both positive and negative directions, and then separate them apart Examples : –I like doing project. –I dislike doing project.
Tips in designing questionnaires Avoid leading question/answers –Excellent –Great –Good –Fair –Not so Great Is KTGSS the best school you have ever studied in ? yes/no
Tips in designing questionnaires Avoid hypothetical question, for example : If you were governor, what would you do to stop crime?
Tips in designing questionnaires Give more precise answers : 1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Disagree 4) Strongly Disagree 1) Agree 2) Disagree Very Often Often Sometimes Rarely Never Every Day or More 2-6 Times a Week About Once a Week About Once a Month Never
Tips in designing questionnaires Avoid open-ended questions Avoid the answer "others" Avoid the too much answers : Never 2) Rarely 3) Occasionally 4) Fairly often 5) Often 6) Very often 7) Almost always 8) Always
Tips in designing questionnaires Do not put two questions into one. "Do you buy frozen meat and frozen fish?" "Have you ever bought Product X and, if so, did you like it?" Avoid technical terms which most people don’t understand
Tips in designing questionnaires Include neutral answers only when it is necessary 1) Agree 4) Tend to disagree 2) Tend to agree 5) Disagree 3) Undecided / Don’t know / not applicable (neutral answers)
Sampling methods Convenience Sampling - "man on the street" Simple random sampling – use computer to randomly select some people from the population.
Sampling methods Stratified Random Sampling - dividing your population into subgroups and then taking a simple random sample in each subgroup Purposive sampling - sample with a purpose in mind
Sample questionnaires (good example of errors by students) Presentation of results of questionnaire mhttp:// m Web questionnaire production