X-class Survey Please respond to each statement based on your own personal opinion. For each statement, please indicate whether you: A. Agree B. Unsure C. Disagree Mark all answers on the supplied form.
1) The x-class provides an opportunity to apply learning that takes place in other 8B classes, which results in increased student learning. A. Agree B. Unsure C. Disagree
2) The x-class supports the development of technology skills. A. Agree B. Unsure C. Disagree
3) The x-class supports the development of student problem solving skills. A. Agree B. Unsure C. Disagree
4) The x-class supports the development of student independent study abilities. A. Agree B. Unsure C. Disagree
5) The x-class supports the development of student group cooperation abilities. A. Agree B. Unsure C. Disagree
6) The x-class grading is generally fair in consideration of individual and group effort. A. Agree B. Unsure C. Disagree
7) The x-class is an enjoyable change of pace from direct teacher instruction. A. Agree B. Unsure C. Disagree
8) Overall, the x-class experience is worthwhile enough that it should be continued for the rest of this year. A. Agree B. Unsure C. Disagree