CPSC 413 Fall 2013
1. To learn the material in CPSC 413 and get the grade I’m aiming for will require me to put significant effort into the course.
2. The skills I’ll learn on designing and analyzing algorithms will be helpful to me in other Computer Science courses.
3. After the instructor shows a proof for a theorem for which my proof was wrong, I discard my proof and learn the one presented.
4. Learning about design and analysis of algorithms in CPSC 413 will improve my effectiveness when designing computer applications.
5. My ability to do well in CPSC 413 will depend on how well the instructor explains things in class.
6. CPSC 413 will be an important source of techniques to improve my problem solving skills.
7. The skills I’ve learned in previous courses on designing and analyzing solutions for problems will be helpful in CPSC 413.
8. Reasoning skills that I will learn in CPSC 413 will be useful to me in endeavors outside of Computer Science.
9. If an instructor presents a proof for a theorem that is different from my own proof I try to figure out how and why the instructors solution is different from my own.
10. It will require a special talent to approach algorithm analysis and design theoretically.
11. The skills I’ll learn on designing and analyzing algorithms will be helpful to me in my career as a computer scientist.
12. I will need the instructor to provide a lot of resources and handouts to do well in CPSC 413.
Survey Comments I heard it is the toughest CPSC course in the degree, very worried! Honestly I'm not sure, I will do my best and hopefully it will help me become a better computer scientist. the time of my life :^) CPSC 413 will help me write better programs by learning how to write more efficient algorithms and using different techniques. More in depth of how to prove theorems Experience working in groups and collaborating on answers
Gale-Shapley Algorithm Initially all m in M and w in W are free While there is a man m who is free and hasn't proposed tovevery woman Choose such a man m Let w be the highest-ranked woman in m's preference list to whom m has not yet proposed If w is free then (m, w) become engaged Else w is currently engaged to m’ If w prefers m’ to m then m remains free Else w prefers m to m’ (m, w) become engaged m’ becomes free Endif Endwhile Return the set S of engaged pairs