Directions: 1) Read the statements on your handout. 2) Place an X or a √ next to the statement with which you agree. Write these marks in the column labeled “Before Reading.” Once we have read and discussed the text this week, you will reflect on your initial beliefs and revisit the same statements to determine if your thoughts about the statements have changed, in the “After Reading” column.
1) Hunting is a sport. Agree or disagree?
2) Animals have no feelings. Agree or disagree?
3) Hunting is evil. Agree or disagree?
4) Hunting is unfair. Agree or disagree?
5) Animals have emotions. Agree or disagree?
6) Strength is more important than intelligence. Agree or disagree?
7) Bringing a gun to a knife fight is fair. Agree or disagree?
8) Murder is wrong no matter what the circumstance is. Agree or disagree?
9) Killing someone in self defense is justified. Agree or disagree?
“The Most Dangerous Game” As we read the story, think about these themes we have discussed. You will return to these statements to analyze them again after reading the short story.
Homework Complete “Ship Trap Island” Map of “The Game” Complete Reading Questions Packet