Statutory Curriculum 2014 If nothing ever changed there would be no butterflies. Parent meeting Tuesday 16 th September 2014
Summary The meeting covered changes that parents will see as a result of the new statutory curriculum in school and a change to the school home learning policy that will hopefully make homework more fun and have more impact on learning. Please refer to the Teaching & Learning Policy and Home Learning policy on the website for more information.
Background First National Curriculum developed 1988 Pisa ratings rate nations according to academic ability UK does not rate as well as it would like. new curriculum developed to Raise standards. Academies and Free schools can opt out but ALL broad and balanced curriculum. Focus on core knowledge and higher expectations.
Subjects in the curriculum at primary level. English Maths Science Computing Religious Education Modern Foreign Language (French) History Geography Art Music Design Technology Physical education
Expectations English o Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar & Vocabulary e.g Infants now expected to use commas and apostrophes in their writing. o Less emphasis on genre more on key skills o Reading comprehension further emphasised o Enjoyment of literature
Expectations Maths Reception pupils count to 100 number bonds to 20 Fractions taught in infants Year 4 ( 9 year olds) all times tables up to 12 x 12 Use of concrete apparatus
Expectations Other curriculum areas o Science : focus on knowledge/facts. Evolution taught in year 6 o ICT replaced by computing more about programming not just using programmes. o Geography content focusses heavily on The Americas o History chronological.
How is it taught? National Curriculum is “What” not “How”. The school can decide. Cross curricular approach Independence & Initiative Awe & wonder Visits out and visitors in.
Assessment No longer using levels. Expected ( some will not reach, some will exceed) New baseline 2015 New testing 2016
Home learning. Daily reading and discussion around books Number bonds and timestables Not home learning. Good parenting.
Pupils’ response: I think I have enough homework
Parents’ response. Homework is a worthwhile experience for pupils.
Impact of homework No conclusive evidence either way. (positive, negative, no impact) Dependent on quality/type of activity. At St. Nicholas concerned regarding quality of activities set and consequently work produced and impact.
Home Learning Aims To develop an effective partnership between home and school To provide opportunities for parents and pupils to enjoy learning experiences together and to exploit resources for learning of all kinds at home To equip pupils with the self- discipline needed to study on their own and to prepare them for the increased demands of secondary school. To reinforce and consolidate key skills particularly in English and Maths To extend school learning through project work.
What you should see Less emphasis on homework sheets. More open ended tasks. Pupils more willing to engage in learning at home. Please do not hesitate to contact the class teacher if you have any concern regarding Home learning Tasks.