Books to Let Reluctant Readers Discover Who They Can Be Presented by Mary Arnold Bonnie Kunzel Teri Lesesne Daria Plumb
Maryellen Cosgrove, Chris Crowe, Don Gallo, Ted Hipple, B.F. Skinner, Jim Trelease, The Commission on Reading (established by the US Senate), the International Reading Association, the National Middle School Association, and many other researchers stress the importance of teaching all students (even advanced, secondary students) to read for pleasure.
Increasing opportunities to read for pleasure helps students to: develop fluency, build vocabulary, raise reading level, increase comprehension, become more motivated to read, gain knowledge of text structures, adopt positive attitudes towards reading, prepare to read and appreciate the classics, & IMPROVE THEIR PERFORMANCE ON STANDARDIZED TESTS!!! (Baines; Bean; Chou & Chow; Cosgrove; Crowe; NCTE’s Commission on Reading)
33 GIRLS (ages 15-19)
64 BOYS (ages 15-19)
Self-Reported Reading Problems May 2005 & September 2007 Comparison
Give students class time to read Help students choose books that interest them. Then, teach them HOW to choose their own book. Remove the stress/pressure of assessment (i.e. the book report, quizzes, tests). Talk to them about what they like and don’t like in the book they are reading. VALUE THEIR OPINIONS!
Allow/encourage students to recommend books to one another. CREATE A COMMUNTIY OF READERS. Make it OK to skim the boring parts. Don’t fall prey to the “myths” of what a reluctant reader will & won’t read—each kid is different and will have different wants & needs. Stress the idea that your goal is to help them to find a book that they actually enjoy. Subscribe to the Reader’s Bill of Rights
Readers have: The right to not read. The right to skip pages. The right to not finish. The right to reread. The right to read anything. The right to escapism. The right to read anywhere. The right to browse. The right to read out loud. The right not to defend your tastes. —Pennac, Daniel, Better Than Life, Coach House Press, 1996.
Topics my students want to read about 80 Boys & 37 Girls
W ANT TO G ET Y OUR S TUDENTS R EADING ? Add these books to your classroom library
Great Professional Resources
Making the Match: The Right Book for the Right Reader at the Right Time, Grades 6-12 and Naked Reading by Teri Lesesne
How to Get Your Child to Love Reading by Esme Raji Codell 500 Great Books for Teens by Anita Silvey
I Won’t Read and You Can’t Make Me: Reaching Reluctant Teen Readers by Marilyn Reynolds Connecting with Reluctant Teen Readers: Tips, Titles, and Tools by Patrick Jones, Maureen L. Hartman, and Patricia Taylor
Crowe, Chris. “Dear Teachers: Please Help My Kids Become Readers.” English Journal. September 1999, Gallo, Donald R. “How Classics Create an Aliterate Society.” English Journal. January 2001, Hipple, Ted. “It’s the THAT, Teacher.” English Journal. March, 1997,
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