Write the Introduction: 1. Use an opening strategy: Start with a question. Start with a story. Start with an astonishing fact. Start with a comparison. Start with a quotation. 2. Introduce the general topic: gambling primary school sex education assisted suicide athlete and drug/steroid use animal experimentation 3. Add the thesis: one complete sentence the last sentence of the paragraph Use key words from the topic to show you are focused. Identify the three authors and/or the names of the stories.
Sample Thesis Statements: On the issue of school-based sex education, opponents, proponents, and moderates present a host of compelling arguments; ultimately, however, I agree that sex education should be a fundamental part of our schools’ curriculum. After researching a variety of arguments on gambling in the United States, I find myself disagreeing with the viewpoints of both the opponents and proponents; instead, I consider myself somewhere in the middle of these extreme positions. The advocates and the detractors of assisted suicide make strong arguments to support their positions, but I agree with the moderates that we must evaluate the issue on a case-by-case basis. Although the proponents and moderates argue persuasively for the legitimacy of pornography in U.S. culture, I remain a staunch opponent on the issue.
In conclusion, I am _________________________ on the issue of __________________. I agree most with ________________________ because _____________________________________________________. For example, _________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________. I also agree with __________________ because_____________________ _____________________________________________________________. For instance, __________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________. On the other hand, I disagree most with ___________________ because _____________________________________________________________. As a case in point, _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________. I also disagree with ____________________ because ________________ _____________________________________________________________. As an illustration, ______________________________________________. State your position on the issue and give your reasons. (for, against, in the middle) (your issue) (author’s name)
Works Cited Lewis, Andrew. “Access to Physician-Assisted Suicide is an Unalienable Right.” Physician-Assisted Suicide. Gail N. Hawkins, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, Chun, Trudy, and Marian Wallace. “The Arguments of Those in Favor of Assisted Suicide are Flawed.” Suicide. Roman Espejo, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, Girsh, Faye. “Patients Should Be Given More Control Over Their Death.” Terminal Illness. Mary E. Williams, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2001.