EURACADEMY OBSERVATORY “A European Observatory of the Use of ICT- supported Lifelong Learning by SMEs, Micro- enterprises & the Self-employed in Rural Areas” Do SMEs benefit from ICT- supported learning? Key findings of the Observatory research Stefanos Dodouras PRISMA-Centre for Development Studies
EURACADEMY OBSERVATORY Surveys – Sample Sizes Training Providers Finland:49 Germany:85 Greece:60 Hungary:51 Poland:17 Spain:25 UK:15 Training Recipients Finland: 51 Germany:105 Greece:115 Hungary:450 Poland:106 Spain: 83 UK: 31 Control Group Finland:412 Germany: 157 Greece: 70 Hungary: 569 Poland: 105 Spain: 42 UK: 13
TRAINING PROVIDERS Training Organisations – Types of
TRAINING PROVIDERS Sectors of Specialisation
TRAINING PROVIDERS Types of ICT-supported courses
METHODS E-learning environments (platforms) Websites Intranet, Post, Telephone TOOLS s CD-ROMs Chat rooms, Discussion Forums TRAINING PROVIDERS Distance Learning – Methods & Tools
INFRASTRUCTURE Internet Connection Access to PCs TRAINING PROVIDERS Completion of Training - Prerequisites PERSONAL TRAITS Self-discipline Willingness to learn
KEY FACTORS Infrastructure Training of staff Funding (subsidies) TRAINING PROVIDERS Key Factors & Main Problems MAIN PROBLEMS No funding (subsidies) No infrastructure Negative attitudes (re: ICT skills)
TRAINING RECIPIENTS & CONTROL GROUP Socio-economic Characteristics - Sex
TRAINING RECIPIENTS & CONTROL GROUP Socio-economic Characteristics – Age
TRAINING RECIPIENTS & CONTROL GROUP Socio-economic Characteristics – Work Status
TRAINING RECIPIENTS Content of the latest training course
TRAINING RECIPIENTS Who covers the cost of e-training (latest course)
Take forward my personal interests Get a job/continue with present job Apply for a new/better job TRAINING RECIPIENTS Expected & Actual Benefits
CONTROL GROUP – People who have received training Content of the latest training course
CONTROL GROUP – People who have received training Who covers the cost of e-training (latest course)
Qualifications CONTROL GROUP – People who have received training
Greece, Germany, UK & Poland: Took forward my personal interests/development Got a job/continued with present job Finland: Took forward my personal interests/development Got a new/better job Hungary & Spain: Got a new/better job Got a salary increase/promoted Actual Benefits CONTROL GROUP – People who have received training
Have you ever considered taking up any form of training? NO – Greece, Poland If YES, what subject of training? Business Skills & IT Skills Would you be interested in participating now to this kind of vocational training? NO – Finland, Greece If YES, what subject of training? Business Skills & IT Skills CONTROL GROUP – People who have not received training Interest in Vocational Training
Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary &Spain: Job & Family Obligations Poland: Job Obligations & Too Expensive UK: Job Obligations & Not Interested CONTROL GROUP – People who have not received training Perceived Constraints
Finland, Greece, Germany & UK: Take forward personal interests Get a job/continue with present job Hungary: Get a job/continue with present job Apply for a new/better job Poland & Spain: Get a job/continue with present job Get a salary increase CONTROL GROUP – People who have not received training Perceived Benefits
TRAINING RECIPIENTS & CONTROL GROUP “The Cost is too High” Training Recipients: All Disagree Control Group (Received Training): Disagree – UK, Germany & Greece Control Group (Not Received Training): Disagree – UK & Germany “I have Good Access to the Technical Equipment” Training Recipients: Disagree – Poland Control Group: All Agree “I have not enough Computer Knowledge & Skills” Training Recipients: All Disagree Control Group: Agree – Spain “IT-tools make Learning Easier” Training Recipients & Control Group: Disagree - Germany Opinions leading to recommendations (1)
“Studying with ICT-support is more Time-Consuming” Training Recipients: Agree – UK Control Group (Received Training): Agree – Finland Control Group (Not Received Training): Agree – Finland & Greece “The Training Organisation has a Good Support System” Training Recipients & Control Group: All Agree “Using IT-tools in the training course can save time” Training Recipients: Disagree – Germany Control Group: Disagree – Germany, Greece & Poland “ICT-supported Training is more Motivating” Training Recipients: Agree – Poland & Germany Control Group (Received Training): Disagree – Spain, Finland & Greece Control Group (Not Received Training): Disagree – Spain & Greece “Flexibility of Time” Training Recipients & Control Group: All Agree TRAINING RECIPIENTS & CONTROL GROUP Opinions leading to recommendations (2)
Training Providers: Gain a good understanding of the particularities of each national educational system in order to understand more fully the relevance of the unequal distribution of opportunities. Training Recipients: Develop a range of services aimed at meeting specific ICT needs of trainees, especially those living and working in rural areas. Control Group: Call for a more efficient use of existing resources in order to raise awareness, create a learning culture, increase learning opportunities and stimulate demand for learning EURACADEMY OBSERVATORY Summa ry
“THE EUROPEAN OBSERVATORY OF LIFELONG LEARNING IN RURAL AREAS: The Role of ICT in Meeting the Needs of Small Enterprises” ASSOCIATION TRANSNATIONAL CONFERENCE Brussels, Belgium 07 September 2007 The conference is co-organised by the EFVET and Euracademy Association in the context of the project “The European Observatory of Lifelong Learning in Rural Areas” and is co-funded by the European Commission, Directorate General Education and Culture, Leonardo da Vinci Programme