The result shows, most of the men (about 74 %)disagree with single sex schooling, 14% each for feel neutral and agree with single sex schooling.
The result shows, most of the women (about 85 %)disagree with single sex schooling, 15% each for feel neutral; but no one agree with single sex schooling.
The result shows, 74% of disagree with single sex schooling; 20% felt neutral with it and 6% agree with single sex schooling.
The result shows, 75% of disagree with single sex schooling; 25% felt neutral with it and no one agreed with single sex schooling.
Most of the people voted for kindergarten for single sex education. This is because they think Kindergarten won’t really affect their life. Also some people chose secondary and university for single sex education. Most of the people voted for kindergarten for single sex education. This is because they think Kindergarten won’t really affect their life. Also some people chose secondary and university for single sex education.
The result shows, most of the men (about 74 %)disagree with single sex schooling, 14% each for feel neutral and agree with single sex schooling.