100% pass rate at A level A* - B 37.17% A* - C 70.80% A* - E 100% Congratulations to all our students for their fantastic achievements
To ensure every student understands the way in which Sixth Form works To ensure every student understands what is required of them to realise their potential To ensure all parents are aware of what the school is doing to support their son/daughter To help inform parents of the way in which they can support their son/daughter
Mrs Lodge - Director of Years 12 & 13 Mr Lawell - Assistant Director of Sixth Form and Year 13 Progress Manager Miss Park – Year 12 Progress Manager Kerry Barnes – Sixth Form Student Support Manager Year 12 Progress Tutors: M BrierleyNightingale J HitchmoughCavell E AntrobusGhandi A RobertsChanel H Tickle Keller K HudsonPankhurst Mrs Fielding
HomeSchool Pupil Success in the Sixth Form is based upon a 3 way partnership
Sixth formers as role models Sixth Form study is full time Compulsory attendance 8.40am – 3.10pm Attendance & punctuality policy No dropping of subjects during the academic year Expectation of 4 level 3 courses per student Identify students below target grade and/or 90% attendance
The Learners’ Contract: The Student 100% attendance & punctuality Uniform / Dress code Respect for our Community Strong Work Ethic Use The Working Day well
What will school offer? Pastoral Care Experienced Staff Relies on students and tutors building relationships with each other Support each student to maximise attainment Academic Monitoring Data Driven Challenges students Intervention strategies implemented
Based on projected grades (PG) v target grades (TG) Data inputted every half term Progress Tutors “mentor” student Intervention plans put in place for underperforming students from subject areas and Sixth Form Team If a student is identified below target they must attend necessary intervention plan, eg attending after school study sessions.
Aerobics Business Enterprise Community Involvement Drama Duke of Edinburgh Employability Award First Aid International Visits Music Preparation for Teaching Sign Language Study Skills Work Placements Volunteering Young Enterprise – KPMG Drivers Awareness Cafod
Giving something back to school An activity that will support studies / area of interest Develop employability skills eg communication, organisation, time management. Develops confidence Raises their profile around school
Do the simple stuff well….. Attend on time, every day Adhere to Dress Code Do work set by teachers Extension tasks Use free lesson time for silent study Learn Specification (syllabus in old speak) from Exam Board website Make revision notes early!!! - Student/ parent task!! Use of VLE, and the internet All students should be doing a minimum of 2 hours work at home per night
Research by Thanassoulis and Portela (2002, p.183), who analysed a large data sample from A level students concluded... “a pupil’s own application accounts for the major part of any under-attainment...” They go on to suggest that underachievement at A level is due more to a lack of pupil application than due to a lack of school effectiveness (2002, P.193). They conclude that... “both schools and pupils can contribute to improving pupil attainment but the larger component can come from the pupils’ own application...” (2002, p.199).
Take an interest Communicate Know what they are doing Help test them Encourage organisation Ensure they are attending on time, every day
Get Students to read a broadsheet of interest Look out for relevant articles, TV etc Talk about the future and Connexions (Karen Meagher) Let Progress Manager and Student Support Manager know of any problems Reward them!!
Benefits Threats Ideally no more than one day per week Don’t be taken advantage of!!! Sixth Form is the full time job!
Part time work and A-level success (source - University of Warwick) Hours of work per week Average UCAS points CCC - profile BBB - profile
Please could you complete: 1. The Learners’ Contract – this needs to be signed by both Parents and Students 2. Emergency contact details including mobile /work numbers and addresses 3. A “Keep Kids Safe” Mobile Number – this is a quick response number and must be a parent or guardian
Very exciting time Very easy to ‘get wrong’ Required dedication from all interested ‘groups’ (the 3 way partnership) Communication is key Broughton Hall proven track record of maximising potential Many Thanks