FP6-ERA-NET/March CA and SSA Results of 2nd ERA- NET cut-off date CA and SSA Proposal Evaluation March 2004 and Negotiations/Selection April-August 2004 Christos Profilis DG RTD
FP6-ERA-NET/March l The second cut-off date, 2 March 2004 had an indicative budget of 37 M€ l The 2 instruments that were used for implementing the ERA-NET Scheme were: the Co-ordination Actions and Specific Support Actions l The second evaluation session for 45 eligible/50 ERA-NET proposals submitted until 2 March 2004, was organised by the Commission from 22 to 26 March 2004, with the assistance of 31 external independent experts l 23 proposals were judged adequate for EC funding and will be funded In Summary In Summary
FP6-ERA-NET/March Overview of Proposals submitted Cut-off-date: 2 March 2004
FP6-ERA-NET/March Submitted Proposals per instrument/sector FIELDS 31 CAs 14 SSAs45 in TOTAL 14 (31.11%) 1 (2.22%) 13 (28.89%) 8 (17.78%) 3 (21.43%) 2 (14.29%) 9 (29.03%) 0 (0%) 6 (19.35%) Life Sciences Fundamental Research Humanities Soc.Sciences Industrial Technologies 6 (19.35%) 9 (20.00%) 3 (21.43%) 10 (32.26%) Environment Energy 5 (35.71%) 1 (7.14%)
FP6-ERA-NET/March CONCLUSION 1 l Balanced distribution across the whole research field covered by ERA-NET
FP6-ERA-NET/March Participants by country (submitted) Participants by country (submitted) I MS + ACS+AS COUNTRYNumber% Austria297,47% Belgium143,61% Bulgaria20,51% Cyprus10,26% Czech Republic41,03% Denmark102,58% Estonia41,03% Finland215,41% France359,02% Germany5012,89% Greece133,35% Hungary112,83% Iceland30,77% Ireland112,83% Israel20,51% Italy235,93% Latvia10,26%
FP6-ERA-NET/March Participants by country (submitted) Participants by country (submitted) II MS + ACS+AS COUNTRYNumber% Liechtenstein Lithuania10,26% Luxembourg Malta20,51% Netherlands317,99% Norway123,09% Poland92,32% Portugal123,09% Romania41,03% Slovakia10,26% Slovenia61,55% Spain225,67% Sweden205,15% Switzerland71,80% Turkey41,03% United Kingdom225,67% TOTAL388100,00%
FP6-ERA-NET/March Participants by country (submitted) Participants by country (submitted) III OTHER THIRD COUNTRIES COUNTRYNumber% Bosnia Herzegovina120.00% Croatia120.00% FYROM120.00% Serbia-Monténegro120.00% USA120.00% TOTAL %
FP6-ERA-NET/March CONCLUSION 2 l 13 MS, 1 ACS and 1AS are acting as coordinators for at least one submitted ERA-NET proposal l Almost all Member States, Associated Candidate States, AS and 5 Third Countries are involved in at least 1 ERA- NET proposal
FP6-ERA-NET/March Participants by gender (submitted) Participants by gender (submitted) % OF EACH GENDER M % F % TOTAL %
FP6-ERA-NET/March CONCLUSION 3 l A good participation of female programme managers (32 %)
FP6-ERA-NET/March Submitted Proposals by instrument and budget Number of proposals 31 Instruments CA TOTAL SSA % of all Propos. Total costs EC Contrib. % of total EC contr % 31.11% 100% % 3.33 % 100 % 80 M€ 3 M€ 83 M€ 77 M€ 2.6 M€ 79.6 M€
FP6-ERA-NET/March CONCLUSION 4 l A good response through 45 proposals with 393 participants
FP6-ERA-NET/March Overview of Proposals which passed the thresholds and were subsequently negotiated and selected Cut-off-date: 2 March 2004
FP6-ERA-NET/March Selected proposals per instrument/sector FIELDS CAs 18/31 (58.06%) SSAs 5/14 (35.71%) TOTAL 23/45 (51.11%) 6 (26.09%) 1 (4.35%) 8 (34.78%) 3 (13.04%) 2 (40.00%) 0 (0%) 5 (27.78%) 0 (0%) 3 (16.67%) Life Sciences Fundamental Research Humanities Soc.Sciences Industrial Technologies 4 (22.22%) 5 (21.74%) 1 (20.00%) 6 (33.33%) Environment Energy 1 (20.00%)
FP6-ERA-NET/March CONCLUSION 5 l Selected proposals distribution, amongst the research fields covered by ERA-NET, similar/close to submitted ones
FP6-ERA-NET/March Participants by country I (selected) MS + ACS+AS COUNTRYNumber% Austria Belgium83.14 Bulgaria20.78 Cyprus10.39 Czech Republic31.18 Denmark83.14 Estonia10.39 Finland France Germany Greece Hungary83.14 Iceland31.18 Ireland51.96 Israel10.39 Italy Latvia10.39
FP6-ERA-NET/March Participants by country II (selected) MS + ACS+AS COUNTRYNumber% Liechtenstein0 Lithuania10.39 Luxembourg0 Malta20.78 Netherlands Norway93.53 Poland62.35 Portugal Romania20.78 Slovakia0 Slovenia51.96 Spain Sweden Switzerland31.18 Turkey20.78 United Kingdom TOTAL255100,00%
FP6-ERA-NET/March Participants by country III (selected) OTHER THIRD COUNTRIES COUNTRYNumber% Bosnia Herzegovina 125 Croatia125 FYROM125 Serbia- Monténegro 125 USA00 TOTAL4100
FP6-ERA-NET/March CONCLUSION 6 l 11 out of 15 Member States and 1 AS are coordinators of selected ERA-NET proposals l Almost all Member States, Associated Candidate States, AS and 4 Third countries are participants in at least 1 selected ERA-NET proposal
FP6-ERA-NET/March Participants by gender (selected) Participants by gender (selected) % OF EACH GENDER M % F % TOTAL %
FP6-ERA-NET/March CONCLUSION 7 l Relatively good participation of female programme managers (28 %), in selected proposals
FP6-ERA-NET/March Selected proposals by instrument and budget Number of proposals 18 Instruments CA TOTAL SSA % of all Propos. Total costs EC Contr. % of total EC contr % 21.74% 100% 98 % 2 % 100 % 52.6 M€ 0.9 M€ 53.5 M€ 51.6 M€ 0.9 M€ 52.5 M€
FP6-ERA-NET/March CONCLUSION 8 l Very good quality proposals: 23 out of 45 proposals (51.11 %) were selected, involving 259 participants l On the average: 13 Participants from 10.5 countries/selected CA, and 5 Participants from 4.4 countries/selected SSA respectively l Healthy over-subscription
FP6-ERA-NET/March Selected proposals average participation and budget Number of proposals 18 Instruments CA TOTAL SSA % of all Propos. Average n° of part./countries Average EC Contr % 21.74% 100% 13/10.5 5/ / M€ 0.2 M€ 2.1 M€
FP6-ERA-NET/March GENERAL CONCLUSIONS l A good response to the call; l A good balance between and distribution across the whole research field; l The involvement of all Member States and Associated States and some Third Countries l Good average participation/project; l A strong involvement of national ministries and national research councils/agencies (90% of all participants in selected proposals); l Limited presence of Regions.
FP6-ERA-NET/March l Characteristics of an ERA-NET project l Contractual arrangements l Reporting requirements What next ? What next ?
FP6-ERA-NET/March Christos PROFILIS Tel:+32/(0)2/ Fax:+32/(0)2/ Thank you for your attention