Farmor’s School Sixth Form Information Evening 8 th November 2012
Farmor’s Sixth Form in 3 words Friendly Challenging Successful
Friendly Team of 16 tutor groups One Administrator Two Assistant Heads One Head of Sixth Form Dedicated Study Rooms Smaller Classes Fully involved in the life of the whole school
All the benefits of college freedoms with the academic support of a school Regular tutor sessions Support Process Regular feedback Your own Sixth Form area
New plans
Challenging Rigorous Academic Challenge through a diverse range of dynamic A levels. AQA Baccalaureate Extended Project Academic Support and Mentoring to develop independence and confidence.
Personal Challenge Enrichment Programme including: Duke of Edinburgh Gold Expedition Overseas Buddy Reading Sports Coaching Leading learning for KS3 interaction days Young Enterprise Latin Italian for beginners
External Speakers Alan Rusbridger Pamela Armstrong Who’s next?
Traditional Roles for Students Head Boy Head Girl Student Presidents (Abi and Jack) Lead Student Ambassadors Chair of Charity Committee Heads of House Sixth Form Council
A level Results 2011 In % of grades were A/A*
High Achievers 29 students (23.4% of the cohort) got 3 As or better. 9.3% of students achieved A* grade (up from 5.9% in 2010, slightly down from 11.9% in 2011) 41% of students (51) gain at least one A or A* grade. Remember our entry criteria: 5 GCSE grades at C or above inc. Maths and English.
A little comparison of A level providers… Students at Farmor’s Sixth Form achieve more highly than they are statistically expected to according to national data. It is a Sixth Form that adds value.
Success is not just grades Whether you are thinking of applying to Oxbridge or going into employment or further training, there is personalised advice, support and guidance to get you on your way.
Application Process Information evening today! Taster days for external applications: sign up for one. Apply by 18 th January 2011 We request references. Sixth Form Discussion February 2013 May 2013 conditional offer and details of enrolment 1 st July Preparatory Morning (meet staff and students and collect preparatory work). 22 nd August: Results Day. 23 rd August: Enrolment Day. September 2012: Induction Day
So why come here? Ask the students