Welcome To Mr. Schammann’s Class Computers and Advanced Computers
Topics Discipline Program Class Rewards Classroom Standards Classroom Rules Classroom Procedures Homework
Classroom Standards 1. Be seated before the bell rings (be ready to start when class begins). You have the first two minutes of class to copy the agenda. 2. Be prepared for class (have work, books, and equipment needed). 3. Be respectful of others ( use respectful language and behavior.
4. Complete all assignments. 5. Follow Directions. Listen to the teacher when he is addressing the class.
Classroom Rules The three important elements we need for creating a great classroom environment are: Safety Courtesy Respect
Classroom Procedures 1. Bathroom Breaks 2. Pencil Sharpening 3. Speaking Out in Class 4. Calling on Students 5. Whole Group Responses 6. Transitions 7. Classroom Dismissal 8. Teacher Instructions
Bathroom Breaks Only to be taken in emergencies. If the privilege is abused then it will be taken away. The school does not permit free time in the bathrooms. A ticket must be provided to use the bathroom. Do not write on any tickets until the raffle.
Pencil Sharpening Raise your hand to use the sharpener. Do not over sharpen your pencils. This is a waste of classroom materials. If you forget to bring a pencil you can buy one for a classroom ticket. Can be done during individual or group work activities.
Speaking Out in Class Raise your hand to speak out or make a comment in class. No talking while another student or the teacher is talking. We all must take our turns.
Calling on Students The teacher will call on the student that is sitting quietly with their hand up waiting to be called. No yelling to try to get the teacher’s attention.
Whole Group Responses Students will respond at this time with a thumbs up or thumbs down. Please do not call out at this time.
Transitions Students have one minute to talk between activities. Use this time to get where you need to be.
Classroom Dismissal The teacher dismisses the class not the bell. Students will be dismissed by row. You must clean up around your work area before you leave. Exit the room safely after you have been dismissed.
Teacher Instruction Never interrupt the teacher while he is speaking. The teacher will get your attention by using a bell. If the class does not respond immediately to the bell the class will lose class points.
Homework Students will be graded on: Group Projects Individual Work
Paper Format First, Last name in the top left hand corner. Date Period Class Name
A point system will be used to grade work: Group Projects = 50 points Activities = 5 points
Discipline Program 1. Teacher pulls a classroom ticket. When tickets have been exhausted then the student moves on to step Detention 3. Parent Contact 4. Office Referral 5. Conference
For major offences students may suffer loss of participation in student events or suspension.
Rewards System Class Rewards Individual Rewards
Class Rewards The class is awarded 10 points at the beginning of each week. Points are also awarded for completion of assignments, classroom behavior, class spirit and cooperation. Class points are posted on the week at a glance.
50 points = movie 75 points = game day 100 points = Ice Cream party Voting for these events occur every Friday. The events themselves occur on Friday.
Raffle A raffle will be held on the last Friday of the month. At this time tickets will be passed out to the class. Five tickets will be given to each person in the class. Only place your name on the tickets when you are turning them in for the raffle.
Materials You Will Need 2 Glue Sticks Box of Pencils 2 Red Pens 2 Black Pens Scotch Tape Pencil Sharpener With Cover Scissors Color Pens or Pencils 3 Ring Binder White Lined Paper Flash drive and Floppy with case
What is a Flash Drive and why do I need it? Before we answer that let’s take a look at different types of portable memory.
Floppy Disk This type of memory carries 3 mega-bites of memory that can be stored on this small disk. It can be easily damaged which means that work you have completed can be lost. Not much can be stored on this especially “Power Point” presentations. These disks can be purchased for 20 for five dollars.
Flash Drive These can be plugged into any drive and are almost break proof. The standard is approximately 128 mega- bites. It will store everything including your pictures and music and does not require a burner. They range in price from $20-$75 dollars. This form of portable memory is highly recommended over the other suggestions.
To Answer the question why do I need a flash drive……. Flash drives will be used to store “Power Point” Presentations and all other electronic documents. All oral presentations will be on “Power Point”. All back assignments will be stored on disk just in case you lose them.
School Internet Site If you miss a lecture, all the “Power Point” lectures are posted on the Johnson Middle School website. You can visit it at: Click on teacher’s corner to find Mr. Schammann’s class.
Mr. Schammann’s All teacher s can be found on the school website at: