Slide 1 St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI” Regional Information Point for FP7 Results of FP6-NMP projects and prospects of Russia-EC collaborations within FP7-NMP Prof. Irina Vendik ETU”LETI”, St. Petersburg Partner of NoE METAMORPHOSE, STREP NANOSTAR International Conference “EU-RUSSIA CO-OPERATION: PRIORITIES FOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2007–2013” Moscow, February, 22, 2007 Prof. Irina Vendik ETU”LETI”, St. Petersburg Partner of NoE METAMORPHOSE, STREP NANOSTAR International Conference “EU-RUSSIA CO-OPERATION: PRIORITIES FOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2007–2013” Moscow, February, 22, 2007
Slide 2 St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI” Regional Information Point for FP7 CONTENTS NoE METAMORPHOSE: Facts, History, ETU’s Contribution, Advantages, Disadvantages STREP NANOSTAR: Facts, History, Advantages PROBLEMS: Consulting and Information Supports, National Financial Support, Project Manager Training SUGGESTIONS: Specific Support Actions for Russian Researchers
Slide 3 St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI” Regional Information Point for FP7 NoE METAMORPHOSE: Facts “METAMaterials ORganized for radio, millimeter wave, and PHOtonic Superlattice Engineering”, Goal: Creating a Common European Research Platform and new organizational structure – Virtual Institute, to plan and organize joint research and use and disseminate knowledge in targeted area Coordinator: Prof. S. Tretyakov, Helsinki University of Technology (former professor of SPU) Budget: 4,4 M (Partner’s share ~ K) Partners: 23 entities of 13 countries Human Resources: researchers - 52; organizational and legal experts - 46
Slide 4 St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI” Regional Information Point for FP7 NoE METAMORPHOSE History Components of success Key research topic in the USA: This area receives ample funding from the government programmes, especially related to NASA, DARPA, and NSF. Personal connections of initiators: potential coordinator and leaders of research groups all over the Europe knew each other before Good core team of initiators: having enough expertise in proposal writing and international project managing Common recognition of Russian researchers by the USA and European colleagues
Slide 5 St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI” Regional Information Point for FP7 NoE METAMORPHOSE ETU’s Contribution WP leadership - JPS WP Dissemination (June 2004 – October 2006) - JPR WP Tuneable metamaterials (October 2006 – to present day) JPS activity - ETU organized two International Student Seminars (ISS) (2004, 2005) - Distributed European Doctoral School on Metamaterials was carried out by ETU (October 2006) Journal “Metamaterial”, Congress “Metamaterials 2007” I. Vendik is a member of the - Scientific Advisory Committee of the Congress - Editorial board of the Journal
Slide 6 St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI” Regional Information Point for FP7 NoE METAMORPHOSE Advantages More freedom in project managing: budget reallocation, partner substitution Opportunity to be recognized as a good and reliable partner among the leading partners in higher professional league International training activity for young researchers
Slide 7 St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI” Regional Information Point for FP7 NoE METAMORPHOSE Disadvantages Non-research activities: just 25% of WPs are directly connected with researches, the goal is organizational Need to involve organizational and legal experts to implementing several WPs – Complexity in project managing – much more partners, multi level structure – Unclear prospective for Virtual Institute (VI) – association with membership just for juridical entities – ECC’s Strict requirement for Partners to be a member of VI – two high ranking Partners were forced to leave Consortium Hard to find industrial partners
Slide 8 St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI” Regional Information Point for FP7 STREP NANOSTAR: Facts “Nano-Structured Ferroelectric Films for Tuneable Acoustic Resonators and Devices”, Goal: development of the theory, fabrication processes and device demonstrators for functional validation of nanostructured multifunctional ferroelectrics films and components integrated with silicon substrate. Tuneable Thin Film Bulk Acoustic Resonators (TFBAR), varactors, and delay lines are typical components to be developed Coordinator: Prof. S. Gevorgian, Chalmers University of Technology (former professor of ETU) Budget: 2,8 M (ETU’s share ~ 163K, 4-5 th position) Partners: 6 entities of 5 countries
Slide 9 St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI” Regional Information Point for FP7 STREP NANOSTAR History Components of success Personal connections of initiators: potential coordinator and leaders of research groups all over the Europe knew each other before Good core team of initiators: having enough expertise in proposal writing and international project managing Common recognition of Russian researchers by European colleagues
Slide 10 St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI” Regional Information Point for FP7 STREP NANOSTAR Advantages Totally research activity – no specific organisational tasks Simple project managing – a few partners and coordinator, no extra control levels Easy to select good partners for research project implementing Easy to find industrial partners
Slide 11 St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI” Regional Information Point for FP7 PROBLEMS Poor national consulting and information support for research teams interested in FP6/FP7 – no regional branches of NCPs No federal financial support for research teams involved into FP6 – success rate is much worse than in China, Austria, etc. Complicated project management requires trained and qualified project managers – no training courses on federal and regional level
Slide 12 St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI” Regional Information Point for FP7 SUGGESTIONS To establish network of official Russian Regional Information Points branches of NCPs supported by Federal government To launch joint calls for proposal between FP7 and Russian Federal Research Programmes To arrange on federal and regional level training courses for FP7 project managers
Slide 13 St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI” Regional Information Point for FP7 LINKS NoE METAMORPHOSE STREP NANOSTAR Regional Information Point for FP6/FP7 St. Petersburg RRIP.SPB.RU
Slide 14 St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI” Regional Information Point for FP