Welcome to Sixth Grade Greenwood Elementary
Contact Information (Math) (Science/Math Facts) (SST) (Reading/Spelling) (Writing/Grammar)
School Day Hours School day begins at 7:35 Tardy bell will ring at 7:45 End of school day is 2:15
Example of Daily Schedule Time Subject or Activity 7:35-7:55 Welcome: Prepare for the Day! (Homeroom) 8:00-8:45Period 1: Related Arts 8:45-9:35Period 2: Rowell (Math) 9:35-10:25Period 3: Weithers (Social Studies) 10:25- 11:15Period 4: Risher (Science) 11:15-12:05Period 5: Jordan (Reading) 12:05-1:10Period 6: Homeroom/Lunch/Recess 1:10-2:15Period 6: Moran (Writing)/ Reading Renaissance 2:15Pack Up/Announcements/Dismissal
Curriculum **Each class will receive writing instruction from their homeroom teacher. Mrs. Risher will conduct word study (spelling) for ALL classes. ReadingSocial StudiesMathScience Understanding and Using Literary Texts Understanding and Using Informational Texts Building Vocabulary Early Humans (The Stone Age) Early Cultures: Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China, Japan, Greece, Rome, Africa, the Americas Origins, Beliefs, and Spread of Religions European Society and the Middle Ages The Renaissance, the Reformation, and the Age of Exploration Numbers & Numeration Operations & Computation Data & Probability Measurement Geometry Patterns, Functions & Algebra Processing Skills Weather and Atmosphere Conservation of Energy Plants Animals
Textbooks Students should only have with them at school the textbook for the subject taught by their homeroom teacher. All other textbooks can remain at home for homework assignments.
SST Weekly Newspaper $6 per child for yearly subscription Due by Wednesday, Aug. 27 th (watch for letter being sent home)
Folders Purple (Reading/Writing) Red (Science) Blue (Social Studies)
Envision Math
General Information Check your child’s agenda and take-home folders each day. Signed papers will be sent home weekly on Wednesdays. We ask that you review the papers and return them, signed, the next day. If there are any changes, your child will have a note in their agenda. The signed papers folder will include a parent signature sheet.
General Information Please send a note with your child or call the main office if he or she will be going home a different way. If notification is not received, your child will be sent home the way the he or she usually goes home. Please keep all phone numbers current. Send excuses for missed days. Please be mindful when signing students out early. Please do not send medicine with your child to school. It must be given to the nurse with the child’s and teacher’s name on it.
Websites Greenwood's Website Ms. Weithers’ Webpage Mrs. Risher's Webpage Mrs. Rowell’s Webpage Ms. Jordan’s Webpage Mrs. Moran’s Webpage
Other Important Websites Paying for Lunch Online Power School 6 th grade Standards
Formal grades (unit/chapter tests, reports, and projects) count twice. Daily grades count once. Any missed work that is not made up will count as a zero. S and N will be used to grade Reading Renaissance, Handwriting, Art, Music, PE, and Computer classes. General Grading Policy
A B C D F 69--Below I Incomplete Grading Scale Honor Roll Students must achieve at least an 85 in all subject areas and have a S in each related arts area.
* Shoes must be worn at all times. *shorts, skirts, skorts, etc. must be long enough so that when you put your hands down at your sides, you do not touch skin. *straps on overalls must be fastened and worn at the shoulder. *Pants or shorts must be worn with the waist around the waist of the student. *Clothing with obscene or suggestive sayings is not allowed. *Hats are not to be worn in the building *Midriff, halter, mesh, or low cut tops are not to be worn.
Conduct Marks/Discipline Check agenda There will NOT be a conduct mark issued for any unreturned conduct marks or Signed Folders. Cheating: School wide policy if a student is caught cheating, referred to office with Blue Slip. The student will be permitted to complete the assignment at a later time.
Consequences Warning Silent Lunch Parent Contact* Parent Conference* Office referral (“Blue Slip”) *Conduct mark may be given. Parent will be notified in the agenda or by a phone call if a conduct mark is issued. On the fourth conduct mark, a blue slip will be written.
Homework Information 1. Homework will be given in all subjects but not necessarily every day. 2. Please pay attention to assignments teachers give, & make sure your child writes them in their agenda. Please check and sign your child’s agenda daily. 3. Homework is expected to be complete and on time when it is given. 4. Homework is not usually given on Fridays or over holidays.
The School Wide Homework Policy
The consequences are for 1.EACH homework assignment not turned in 2.Starts over each month
Consequences 1 st – Warning 2 nd – Warning 3 rd – Parent Letter 4 th – Warning 5 th –Parent Conference
REACH 6 th grade REACH days are THURSDAYS
AR Students are expected to read their AR book(s) nightly (even weekends) for a minimum of 20 minutes. Please make sure your child has a book with them every day. Help your child to keep up with their library books. You can view your child’s Reading Renaissance progress online. Check the school website for a link to the site.
Volunteers Needed! Opportunities include: Classroom parent Reading to the class/with a student Helping with math facts Special projects Chaperone **All volunteers must have a current SLED check on file in the school office.
FIELD TRIP Medieval Times Myrtle Beach, SC TBA: Date and Cost If you are interested in being a chaperone you must have an approved SLED check. Chaperones are first come, first serve.
Awards Ceremony 5 th and 6 th will have a combined ceremony Ceremony will be held on June 4 th at 8:30 AM
6 th Grade Picnic Celebration Date TBA (will be sometime in May before Memorial Day holiday) Will be held here at the school Volunteers to help out with food, activities, donations, and with supervision for that day would be greatly appreciated.