Sixth Seal Period AD 311 – :12-17 Symbolic picture of universe in tempestuous dissolution. Heavenly bodies such as sun, moon and stars symbolically refer to those controlling the empire. 6:15 Earthquake would affect every level of society, as reflected in the language - Kings, captains, bondmen etc.
The Earthquake. 6:12 Following persecutions of fifth seal under Diocletian, “lo, there was a great earthquake...” - what event could evoke such strong language? Historical background provides key. After Diocletian, Constantius was Emperor - son Constantine became protector of the Christians.
Constantine. AD 312. Constantine overcame other ruler of West - Maxentius - became unchallenged ruler of principal third part of empire. Proceeded to emancipate Christians. Claimed to have seen vision of Cross in sky with message “In this sign, conquer”. Subsequently painted Christian monogram on all soldier’s shields.
Paganism v Christianity. Constantine’s position challenged by rulers of Illyricum and the East - namely Licinius and Maximin. Became contest between Paganism and Christianity - shown in speech of Licinius before battle of Adrianople in AD 323. Lucinius lost the battle. History records, “the greater part of the fugitives retired to the mountains.”
Constantine Defeats Pagans. Former enemies of Christians panicked - Constantine had triumphed - retribution inflicted by “the God of the Christians.” Many fled panic stricken - concealed themselves.
The Earthquake. 6:15 As sixth seal records, “And the kings of the earth...every bondman...hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb...”
Victory of Constantine. Words of sixth seal drawn from Isaiah -”Enter into the rock, and hide thee in the dust, for fear of the LORD, and for the glory of his majesty.” Isa 2:10. Words foreshadow greater upheaval at future victory of the Lord Jesus Christ when he returns to the earth.
“...heaven departed as a scroll...” (Rev 6:14) “Constantine saw himself as responsible to God for the well being of the church to which he …publicly and unequivocally adhered. After AD 320 the sun no longer appeared on his coins and his soldiers had to attend church parades.” (The Pelican History of the World). The Pagan Imperial heavens of Rome - sun, moon and all the stars included - were rolled away like a scroll.
“..lo, there was a great earthquake…” (Rev 6:12) What event could evoke such strong language? - proposed answer - the disappearance of Pagan Rome and its replacement by Christian Rome. This ‘earthquake’ revolutionized the whole Greek-Latin world - Rome wielded universal empire over the civilised races of men.
Progress of Constantine. Many pagans embraced the new religion - Councils held to determine agreed doctrines. Christians began to teach that the Church comprised Kingdom of God on earth - “Christendom.” Constantine delayed baptism till deathbed - still resorted to pagan rites on occasions. Macaulay’s summary.
Dissenters. Not all Christians embraced changes towards paganism introduced into the church - in Africa - sizeable communities remained strongly anti- Catholic. Little known dissenters - claimed to profess “the faithful and apostolic element” of true Christian doctrine - known as the Donatists - refusing any linkage with Catholic Church in political or ecclesiastical functions.
Constantine the Great