South East European Environmental NGOs Network - SEEENN REPORT Sixth REReP Task Force Meeting November 7 th, 2003, Brussels, Belgium.


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Presentation transcript:

South East European Environmental NGOs Network - SEEENN REPORT Sixth REReP Task Force Meeting November 7 th, 2003, Brussels, Belgium

Sixth REReP Task Force Meeting November 7 th, 2003, Brussels, Belgium South East European Environmental NGOs Network - SEEENN In Struga, Republic of Macedonia on the occasion of the Regional Conference “Sustainable Development in the Balkans” on 17 of June 2000, representatives of the NGOs from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro and Romania have decided to establish the SEEENN. The establishment of SEEENN was closely linked with REReP. Sixth REReP Task Force Meeting November 7 th, 2003, Brussels, Belgium

Sixth REReP Task Force Meeting November 7 th, 2003, Brussels, Belgium South East European Environmental NGOs Network - SEEENN Keeping and motivating people to work together, to understand each other – cooperation and networking was and is not always easy work.

Sixth REReP Task Force Meeting November 7 th, 2003, Brussels, Belgium Different experiences, different problems, opinions in direction of what should be done and expectations. South East European Environmental NGOs Network - SEEENN

Sixth REReP Task Force Meeting November 7 th, 2003, Brussels, Belgium Difficulties Networking - cooperation Different level of development Decision making Funds Language South East European Environmental NGOs Network - SEEENN

Sixth REReP Task Force Meeting November 7 th, 2003, Brussels, Belgium South East European Environmental NGOs Network - SEEENN There are NGOs that succeed to go over the problems, to cooperate in the time of wars, to cover the costs in time of economic crises. There were and still are many attempts to establish long term cooperation and open dialogue. Experienced NGOs succeed to become partners of local, national or international institutions and organizations. Environmental NGOs established the SEE Environmental NGOs Network, Balkan Net, SEE Youth Network.

Sixth REReP Task Force Meeting November 7 th, 2003, Brussels, Belgium Cooperation results are worth to put efforts in establishing and more hardly to work on maintaining and development of SEEENN. South East European Environmental NGOs Network - SEEENN

Sixth REReP Task Force Meeting November 7 th, 2003, Brussels, Belgium South East European Environmental NGOs Network - SEEENN Establishing platform of cooperation o Two Regional Conferences, 114 participants; o Summer Youth School on environmental education; o Three Issue Oriented Meetings on Organic Agriculture, Energy and Bio diversity, 82 participants; o Partnerships and projects on GMO, monitoring the Stability Pact, Energy, information sharing; o National Environmental NGO Meeting in BiH;

Sixth REReP Task Force Meeting November 7 th, 2003, Brussels, Belgium South East European Environmental NGOs Network - SEEENN Exchange of information o Five thousand and four hundred copies of two issues of the SEEENN Bulletin printed in 6 SEE languages and English distributed; o Published promotion material; o Thousand and one hundred visitors per year of the web site:

Sixth REReP Task Force Meeting November 7 th, 2003, Brussels, Belgium South East European Environmental NGOs Network - SEEENN NGO Participation o Participation in all REReP Task Force Meetings; o Participation in REReP GTZ Project Committee; o Participation in REPC Steering Committee (REReP 2.1.); o Participation in EU NGO Dialogue Group; o Participation in the I Regional Meeting on Environment and Security;

Sixth REReP Task Force Meeting November 7 th, 2003, Brussels, Belgium South East European Environmental NGOs Network - SEEENN Development of SEEENN o Vision, mission, goals o Structure: Regional Conference, Executive Board, Advisory Committee, Secretariat, membership; o Forty two members, seven organisations wait for approval; o Three Meetings of the Executive Board; o Further directions of development of SEEENN; o Agenda - Plan of activities for ;

Sixth REReP Task Force Meeting November 7 th, 2003, Brussels, Belgium South East European Environmental NGOs Network - SEEENN III Issue Oriented Meeting on Energy, February Rijeka, Croatia; III Issue Oriented Meeting on Energy, February Rijeka, Croatia; II Regional Conference, June 2003 – Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro: II Regional Conference, June 2003 – Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro: o Conclusions and recommendations on GMO, Energy, Stability Pact, Organic Agriculture and Biodiversity o Strategy for further development of SEEENN o Concept projects o Regional Expo of environmental civic organisations

Sixth REReP Task Force Meeting November 7 th, 2003, Brussels, Belgium SEEENN Further Development Mission: Mission: Monitoring and influencing the regional initiatives relevant for environment as well as to assist the development of environmental movement in the region.

Sixth REReP Task Force Meeting November 7 th, 2003, Brussels, Belgium Goals: Goals: o To contribute to the capacity building of environmental NGOs; o To follow and influence regional initiatives relevant for environment; o To identify regional environmental problems; o To stimulate the regional cooperation in specific environmental topics; o To exchange information and experience; o To ensure NGO participation; SEEENN Further Development

Sixth REReP Task Force Meeting November 7 th, 2003, Brussels, Belgium Capacity building of environmental NGOs; Planned Activities: Planned Activities: o Direct Actions: concerning regional or national environmental issues; o Trainings: ICT usage, campaigns, education of the public, management and public relations, work with media; o Statements of positions: Response to the national/regional environmental problems and relevant processes; o Country Activities : National Meetings, National Focal Points of SEEENN, leaflets and bulletin in local language, meetings with the national authorities;

Sixth REReP Task Force Meeting November 7 th, 2003, Brussels, Belgium Regional cooperation in specific environmental topics Planned Activities: Planned Activities: o Programs: Regional Cooperation, Energy, Stability Pact; o Issue Oriented Meetings: EU Accession - SAP, Stability Pact, GMOs, sustainable development and pollution prevention; o Regional Conferences – Regional Environmental Exhibitions. o Environmental International Work Camps and Youth Summer Schools ; o Events: Balkan Environmental Day – 17 of June, Regional Green Week;

Sixth REReP Task Force Meeting November 7 th, 2003, Brussels, Belgium Planned Activities: Planned Activities: o Exchange of volunteers ; o Media coverage : Press releases in local language in local media; Press Conferences, cooperation with Regional Environmental Press Center etc. o Publications: SEEENN Bulletin; issue-oriented bulletins; promotion materials; reports on SEEENN; translation of books, etc; o Electronic communication; Exchange of information and experience

Sixth REReP Task Force Meeting November 7 th, 2003, Brussels, Belgium Environmental Education Planned Activities: Planned Activities: Comprehensive education program for children and youth will be developed and implemented in few “SEE Houses of Understanding” as it is the "Solar Academy for Southeastern Europe" in Croatia.

Sixth REReP Task Force Meeting November 7 th, 2003, Brussels, Belgium Still, we are confronted with problems as finances, human capacity, lack of effective marketing and management. REReP played an important role in facing these problems, especially in establishing and development of regional and cross-border cooperation.

Sixth REReP Task Force Meeting November 7 th, 2003, Brussels, Belgium We encourage the European Commission to continue support of the REReP. We welcome the international donors to involve NGOs in planning and implementing the support programs of civil society in SEE countries. We emphasise the need of access to EU funds for supporting SAP and civil society strengthening.

Sixth REReP Task Force Meeting November 7 th, 2003, Brussels, Belgium We greet and support the Joint Statement of the Ministers of Environment and Heads of Delegations from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro on the achieved progress within SAP. Civic organisations can play an important role in planning and implementing activities in recognized priority areas for international, regional and cross border cooperation, as well in information of the public on SAP.

Sixth REReP Task Force Meeting November 7 th, 2003, Brussels, Belgium We slowly learn to work together, to watch from other side, to understand what is happening and to seize the opportunity.