Mrs. Kristen Mauclair Better known as… Mrs. ‘Moe’ Please take a minute to write your child a note on the colorful sticky notes. Post the note in your child’s “hopefully clean” locker. Learning Goal: As a result of tonight’s presentation, you will know the policies, procedures, and expectations of this course.
Concepts to Explore Physical Geography (CH 1 – 3) A Geographer’s World Planet Earth Climate, Environment, and Resources Human Geography (CH 4) The World’s People Latin America (CH 7 – 11) Mexico Central America and the Caribbean Caribbean South America Atlantic South America Pacific South America Map and Globe Skills Direction and Hemispheres Latitude/Longitude Time Zones Maps related to current unit Current Events
Online Textbook Textbooks can be viewed online Please check my homework page for directions to access
Graded Items Class Activities Homework Quizzes Tests Projects * Extra credit may be built into various activities.
Grading Scale 90 – 100% = A 80 – 89% = B 70 – 79% = C 60 – 69% = D 59% or below = E The points earned for each assignment will be added together and divided by the total number of points possible in order to determine the student’s percentage for the grading period.
Accessing Grades Access using the NA Student Data Portal The following codes will be used when entering grades: 0: The student attempted to complete the assignment but earned zero points. I: The student did not complete the assignment, but he/she may still turn it in for credit. M: The student did not complete the assignment, and he/she may not turn it in for credit. X: The student is exempt from completing the assignment, and it will not affect his/her grade.
Assignment Book Required to keep track of assignments Given time during class Most accurate assignments are written in assignment book
Items to Discuss OPENER/EXIT TICKET Assignment board Today’s Plan Hand Signals Restroom Passes
OPENER (do now): 1. Organize Space: All materials in NE corner of desk. 2. Write in assignment book. 3. OPENER ques – When would someone use a compass? Explain in complete sentences. Circle the most important word in your response. ATTENDANCE: JOB #1 PAPER PASSER: JOB #2 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ LEARNING GOAL: JOB #3 We will understand how to use a compass rose to identify cardinal and intermediate directions. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ASSIGNMENT BOOK: JOB # 4 Graph Paper activity Study World Map – test Friday
Social Studies - EXIT TICKET Draw a compass rose. Label the cardinal directions Label the intermediate directions
Absence Procedures Student picks up missed work from assigned location Make-up time = number of days absent See me at anytime for assistance
Homework Policy First semester Completed on-time = full credit Turned in 1 day late = ½ credit No credit will be given beyond 1 day late Second semester (In the new year 2015) All work must be turned in on assigned due date to receive credit.
Homework Site Students given several days notice before quizzes and tests Assignments, quiz dates, and test dates can be found on my homework page.
EXIT TICKET Using the white slip of paper, you may do the following…. NAME: PERIOD: COMMENTS/ QUESTIONS: SIDE 1 SIDE 2 Please put in Happy Bucket, as you exit.
Kristen Mauclair