+ Spring 2 5 weeks – 7 sessions The following PowerPoint offers only points of guidance for the sessions.
+ LO: To practice basic skills for life such as sewing and ironing. Suggested activities – to sew a button and how to iron shirts, skirts and trousers Starter: Quick check – hands up if you can sew a button, iron clothes. Why would we need to know these skills? Main task: To practice sewing a button onto a piece of clothing, how to iron various items of clothing with burning or putting creases in them. Plenary: If you had to teach someone else, how would you do it?
+ LO: To practice basic skills for life such as cooking. Suggested activities – how to cook an egg, basic pasta dishes and rice in a pot. Starter: Name as many basic health and safety rules in the kitchen in 1 minute. Main task: Demonstrate then ask students to cook an egg, pasta and rice in small team. All must be ready at the same time and edible. Plenary: Name three things that are essential before, during and after cooking.
+ LO: To examine option choices with a year 8 tutor group, offering guidance and advice and what they best option for them is. Suggested activities – to split tutor groups into small groups/ 1:1 with year 8 students to discuss options. Starter: What are your favourite subjects and why? What would you like to do for your option blocks next year? Main task: Sixth formers to discuss their options in lower school and how that has affected their choices at A Level. Sixth former to talk to lower school about A Level / BTEC, apprenticeships and world of work. Year 8 to think of three questions that they would like to ask regarding life in sixth form and subject choices. Plenary: Pupil as the sixth former (tell the sixth former what the best bits of advice were today).
+ LO: To examine in the safe setting of a sexual health clinics, the different types of STIs. Suggested activities – school nurse and Michelle Springer. Starter: Myth vs truth – can you tell the difference and give the correct answer? Main task: To discuss the different types of STIs and practicing safe sex. Plenary: Post-it-note private questions about the session.
+ LO: To analyse data from teachers with tutor and set targets in run up to exams. Suggested activities – 1:1 appointments with tutees if there is a concern. Small group work otherwise. Powerpoint for this sessions. Starter: Odd one out. Main task: Memory techniques, time management, revision timetable. Plenary: What will you action now, in two weeks, in a month.
+ LO: To examine the positive and negative effects of social media and internet on the youth of today. Suggested activities – dvd Starter: Think back 30 years ago, how did people communicate? Main task: Watch the dvd and discuss the following question ‘ What are the positive and negative effects of social media?’ Plenary: What did you already know, two things you have learnt, one thing you would like to know more about.
+ LO: To practice basic first aid skills. Suggested activities – to learn ABC, how to resuscitate someone (baby and adult), what you should do in certain situations. Starter: Who here knows basic first aid – name some Main task: Resuscitation techniques using ABC, severe bleeding, recovery position etc Plenary: Can you recall the steps to take when…