Year 12 Parents’ Information Evening Tuesday 16 th September 2014 Kathryn Williams and David Blight
Mr. Blight – Head of Sixth Form OFSTED report GOOD Induction carousel: What makes a good/outstanding 6 th form student. Motivation, Time management, Getting the most from each day, Concentration and Organisation 3,4,5 A levels: What can you do to help (biggest step). Organisation, Work Ethic and timetables, Study periods and Study leave, Wider reading, Holidays, Driving lessons and Part time jobs. We need them in front of staff.
Can you link those pictures to the following messages that were given to your sons and daughters in assembly last week?
Outcomes… 1.The highest possible qualifications 2.The development of talent, versatility and social skills 3.Instilling a lifelong love of learning and curiosity about the unknown
Statistics from Summer 2014 The average point score per entry was This means on average students achieve between a B and a C grade. 98% pass rate 42.8% of all grades were A*-B Vast majority of applicants were successful in gaining their first or second university course choice. There are currently just over 200 students in Year 12 and in Year 13 in the Sixth Form. Average class size of The highest possible qualifications
How We Get There - The Sixth Form Team 11 6 th Form Tutors Daily guidance, monitoring and support. (6 in Year 12) Melanie Graham Tim Smith Karl Boyd Rob West Tess McCullagh John-Paul Nesbitt Kathryn Williams Assistant Headteacher/Post 16/Careers and Guidance David Blight Head of Sixth Form
Threats to success The gap between GCSEs and A-levels and required learning style changes? No January modules 4 vs 3 ASs Attendance inc Registration (Drop Everything and Read, Current Affairs, Tutorial, Quiz, Assembly) Part time work Unwise use of study periods 1. The highest possible qualifications
We asked Year 12 why they thought these two numbers were important… 3417
2. The development of talent, versatility and social skills The English education system has been criticised by some high profile individuals for pigeon-holing young people and programming them to see themselves as scientists, artists etc too early
General Studies and Critical Thinking We promote versatility through General Studies, and Extended Project. – All students can do General Studies or Extended Project (EPQ) – General Studies can be used to access Universities – General Studies and Enrichment help grades in main subjects – Enrichment builds CV and helps personal statements *Except for those timetabled in English/Maths resits
Additional Enrichment opportunities Drama productions/Edinburgh Fringe Festival Visits to Universities New York Trip Sports Leadership Summer Schools Sports teams Debating Field work residentials South Africa Visit Orchestra/Wind band Student Ambassadors In-Class Support
3. Instilling a lifelong love of learning and curiosity about the unknown Whilst expected to act as socially responsible adults as the oldest members of the school community, we ask for a childlike approach to learning in the classroom, characterised by curiosity, fascination and no stigma about failure or not knowing.
Typical Sixth Form Learning Style There is an emphasis on talk Lessons and interactions with the teacher are relatively informal Learning depends on strong relationships Learning is fun, challenging and exciting Lessons can be active BUT… post-16, students are required to be more independent and are more accountable for their own progress and learning
We are asking a lot… It is not reasonable to expect every student in Year 12 to have all of the skills and qualities necessary to be successful at A-level two or three school days after being a Year 11 student. So have created a way to help develop these skills and qualities. Sixth Form 30 Day Makeover
The 30 Day Makeover Students are supported by: Tutorial work on the five attributes Preparatory Year 12 Reading Day Tasks The results of the Makeover will inform our first Year 12 Data Drop in October.
Year 12 Important Dates Wednesday 3 rd September 2014Year 12 Induction Tuesday 16 th September 2014Year 12 Parents’ Information Evening Friday 19 th September 2014Post Results Service Ends Friday 26 th September 2014Course Changes Completed Early OctoberYear 12 Progress Check + results of 30 Day Makeover Early DecemberYear 12 Progress Check 2 Monday 8 th December 2014Year 12 Geography Field Trip Wednesday 10 th December 2014Year 12 Subject Evening Monday 12 th -Friday 23 rd Jan 2015AS Trial Exams Thursday 22 nd JanuaryART 6 th Form Parents Eve Mid FebruaryYear 12 Progress Check 3
Early MarchYear 12 Reports Issued Late MarchYear 12 Progress Check 4 Mid MayYear 12 Progress Check 5 Date TBCYear 12 Exam Study Leave Date TBC Year 12 Back in School Monday 29 th June Introduction to HE Evening (TBC) Monday 13 th JulyCareers and HE Week Year 12 Important Dates Cont.
Concluding comments Literally an open door policy Wealth of experience across a large team No problem is too small We aim to create a caring, supportive environment which also challenges and holds students to account about their progress and the quality of their learning. Relationships are everything and communication is vital.
Concluding Comments 6 th form at PCHS Induction carousel: What makes a good/outstanding 6 th form student 3,4,5 A levels What can you do to help