Sixth Class November 6, 2010 Pentateuch and Earlier Prophets Rev. Timothy M. Hayes – Deacon Class
Opening Prayer Let Your Scriptures be my chaste delight… O Lord, perfect me, and reveal those pages to me! See, Your voice is my joy… Give me what I love… May the inner secrets of Your Word be opened to me when I knock. This I beg, by our Lord Jesus Christ, in whom are hidden all treasures of wisdom and knowledge. (Colossians 2:3) These are the treasures I seek in Your books. -- St. Augustine, The Confessions, Book 11, Chapter 2, Nos. 2-4 From the U.S. Catholic Catechism for Adults
The Scriptural Texts The Historical Writings “Earlier Prophets” --Joshua --Judges [Ruth] --I & II Samuel --I & II Kings
Session 9: Topics to be considered The Rise of Prophecy in Israel The Elijah and Elisha Cycle in the Books of Kings
Session 9: Topics to be considered A Glance at the New Testament --Importance of Moses and Torah --Jesus as the Word of God Any outstanding questions?
Presentations Nov. 13 Questions on the Divided Kingdom Tim Birie The Rise of Prophecy in Israel Jeff Carpenter Homilies by select members
Pre-Test Torah Pentateuch Masoretic Text LXX The Vulgate YHWH
Pre-Test "Let there be light." Abraham, Isaac, Jacob Goshen Moses Joshua and Caleb
Pre-Test Selah Urim & Thummim Clean and Unclean Land flowing with Milk and Honey Nephilim "The Deuteronomistic History"
Pre-Test Goliath Nathan Bathsheba Jedidiah Elijah Ahab and Jezebel
Pre-Test Tiglath Pilesar III Cyrus
Take Home Pre-Test First words of the Bible The Five Books of Moses TANAK Torah Pentateuch Prophets Writings
Take Home Pre-Test Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy
Take Home Pre-Test Deuteronomistic History The Book of Joshua Judges I-II Samuel I-II Kings
Take Home Pre-Test Abraham, Isaac & Jacob Israel Joseph Egypt Pharaoh Sinai Horeb
Take Home Pre-Test ’Ehyeh asher ehyeh Moses Aaron Canaan The Promised Land Dan to Beersheba Joshua and Caleb
Take Home Pre-Test Samuel Saul David Solomon Divided Kingdom Judah Israel
Take Home Pre-Test Assyria Babylon Cyrus
Take Home Pre-Test Rabbinical commentary Midrash Atrahasis Gilgamesh Tell
A Fond Farewell Final Due November 20 – Don’t mess up your Thanksgiving! Get it done and turned in by to Thanks to all for your participation! Blessings for your continued journey.