Implementation of the Mandates of the I V Summit of the Americas XLV Meeting of the Summit Implementation Review Group Thursday, March 29, 2007 International Organization for Migration
Growth with Employment (Declaration Mandate 7 – Poverty) Country Initiatives – some examples Guatemala Community Development Projects 53 implemented projects, 13 completed projects Agrarian conflict resolution: benefits over 340 families Sustainable Development Program of Border Populations –PRODESFRO Paving over 54 km of roads in the Guatemala-Mexico border areas Haiti Rehabilitation and Stabilization Program (PRESE) Community driven projects. Generated 657,629 person-days of employment, 22,000 children in Cité Soleil back in school (Plan of Action Mandate 66) JSWG – Implementation of the Mandates of the IV Summit of the Americas
International Organization for Migration Jobs to Fight Poverty (Declaration Mandates 25 – Child Labor) Regional Initiatives Bolivia, Colombia, El Salvador and Paraguay Regional Prevention of Trafficking and Smuggling in Children and Reinforcing their Knowledge about Sexual Reproductive Health IDB and First Ladies Training to over 100 teachers in each country Information will reach over 4,000 students in primary and secondary schools Bolivia, Chile and MERCOSUR countries Program to Counter trafficking of children and to prevent Child Pornography, Phase II Regional Training Workshop Central America “Regional Guidelines for Special Protection in Cases of the Return of Child Victims of Trafficking” (RCM) JSWG – Implementation of the Mandates of the IV Summit of the Americas
International Organization for Migration Jobs to Fight Poverty (Mandates 27 & 28 – Decent work for migrant workers, trafficking and Smuggling; dignified, orderly, safe return of migrants ) National Initiatives Argentina – FOINTRA Project, Phase II; and AVOT (medical, psychological issues) Costa Rica – Project to assist trafficking victims in the Pacific Coast National Coalition to Combat Human Trafficking El Salvador – Temporary Shelter for Victims of Trafficking Validation of the “Protocol for the Assistance of Victims” Guatemala – Program for the selection, pre/departure and transfer of seasonal agricultural workers from Guatemala to Canada (FERME) Program to improve the health of migrant workers in the Belize- Guatemala Zone Haiti – Short term labor opportunities in neighboring countries. Venezuela – Media campaign on the rights of migrant workers and their families JSWG – Implementation of the Mandates of the IV Summit of the Americas
International Organization for Migration Jobs to Fight Poverty (Declaration Mandates 28 – Trafficking and smuggling) Regional Initiatives Central American Protocol for the Repatriation of Children Victims of Trafficking Assisted by UNICEF and ILO Ratified by key government leaders Repatriation of 18,941 migrants in 2005, and 20,318 in 2006 Triple Border Area of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay Working with local governments and local NGOs Disseminate information on the risks and consequences of human trafficking Caribbean Counter-trafficking Initiative (CCTI) Raising awareness Building capacities Strengthening regional collaboration and information sharing JSWG – Implementation of the Mandates of the IV Summit of the Americas
International Organization for Migration Jobs to Fight Poverty (Declaration Mandates 28 – Cooperation and Dialogue to reduce undocumented migration) Regional Dialogues on Migration 6th South American Conference on Migration (SCM) – Paraguay, May 2006: Declaration of Asunción, (7th South-American Conference, Venezuela, 2007) Seminar: “The Human Rights of Migrants – Main Challenges in Argentina” Re-formulation and improvement of the OSUMI website Sixth Regional Caribbean Seminar – Curacao, November 2006 Representatives from 19 countries, in addition to IDB, ECLAC, the WB, OECD, & PAHO. 11 th Regional Conference on Migration (RCM) – San Salvador, MoU between Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua for the Dignified, Orderly, Prompt and Safe Repatriation by Land of Central American Nationals Plan of Action Mandate 20 JSWG – Implementation of the Mandates of the IV Summit of the Americas
International Organization for Migration Jobs to Fight Poverty (Declaration Mandates 34 – HIV & AIDS) Caribbean - Regional Initiative on HIV and AIDS, migrants, and mobile populations Awareness raising and Information gathering: PSAs, and Research Advocacy and policy: Ministers of Health – PAHO Colombia – Global Fund on HIV – 48 municipalities “Building an intersectorial response on sexual and reproductive health, with an emphasis on prevention of STDs/HIV/AIDS, with adolescents living in receiving communities of displace population” youth and adolescents JSWG – Implementation of the Mandates of the IV Summit of the Americas