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Presentation transcript:

KABANOV MICHAEL VSEVOLODOVICH Corresponding Member of RAS, Director of IMCES SB RAS BASIC RESEARCH OF CLIMATIC AND ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS IN SIBERIA at Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS

DIVERSIFICATION OF RESEARCH ACTIVITY AT IMCES SB RAS I Special Design Bureau (SDB) for scientific instrument- making «Optika» as a part of Joint Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS 1.Development and production of new instruments for optical research in the atmosphere (lidars, radiometers, nephelometers, gas analyzers, etc.) II Institute of Design and Technology «Optika» SB RAS 1.Development and production of new instruments for meteorology, ecology, and medicine 2.Elaboration an idea of regional climate and ecological monitoring and organization of Observatory intended for this purpose

III гг. Institute for Optical Monitoring SB RAS 1.Development and production of new instruments for climate and ecological monitoring 2.Advancement of Climatic and Ecological Observatory and forming regional observation network 3.Creation of Laboratory of Geoinformation Technologies for providing climate and ecological monitoring IV г. and later Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS Development and production of new instruments for climate and ecological monitoring Advancement of Climatic and Ecological Observatory and forming regional observation network Progression of information technologies and creation of Siberian Center for Environmental Research and Training Creation of Department of Ecological Research for monitoring and modeling forest ecosystems

The main investigation field of IMCES is scientific and technological basis for monitoring, modeling and forecasting climatic and ecosystem changes under impact of natural and anthropogenic factors. Organizational structure of IMCES includes: Department of Geophysical Research (Head – Prof. V.A. Krutikov) Department of Ecological Research (Dr. S.A. Krivets) Department of Scientific Instrument-making (Head–Prof. A.A.Tikhomirov) International Research Center of SB RAS “Siberian Center for Environmental Research and Training” (Head – Prof. E.P. Gordov) Branches of departments of Tomsk State University and Tomsk University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics.

Twelve Professors and 40 Doctors of Sciences perform multidisciplinary research in physics, mathematics, biology, chemistry, engineering and geography. Total number of researchers and engineers is 190, number of post-graduate students is 45 (8 specializations). Director of IMCES is Corresponding member of RAS M.V. Kabanov (has been elected a Corresponding member of RAS in 1987, in “Atmospheric physics”).

MOST IMPORTANT RESULTS 1. Accelerated warming rates in Siberia have been revealed and interpreted. In some regions these rates achieve values of 0.5  C/10 years. Map of linear trends of annual mean surface temperature on territory of Siberia and Far East over period from 1965 to Different colors correspond to different trend values (figures are in o C/10 years).

MOST IMPORTANT RESULTS 2. Spatial and time scales of warming in Siberia have been revealed. Correlation of time temperature periodicities between Siberian cities and with planetary indices have been found as well. In- dex Perio- dicity T О Omsk T K Krasnoyarsk T I Irkutsk TТTТ             0.27 ApAp    0.56 W    0.38

MOST IMPORTANT RESULTS 3. Returned oscillation of Siberian climatic system in has been shown up. This oscillation is described by a model with separation of time and spatial variables. Trajectories of change of temperature regime states for Siberian cities in coordinates of daily mean temperature for warm, Z s, and cold, Z w, periods of year.

MOST IMPORTANT RESULTS 4. A number of climatic and ecosystem peculiarities has been found at Great Vasyugan Bog, that is the largest forest-bog ecosystem with weak technogenic load. 5. The following stationary and portable models of instruments designed at IMCES SB RAS have been incorporated into measuring tools for monitoring : - AMK ultrasonic meteorological complexes based on ultrasonic thermoanemometers; - MGR multichannel geophysical recorders based on pulse counters of E and H components of electromagnetic field.

BASIC RESEARCH PROJECTS of IMCES SB RAS Basic programs of Siberian Branch of RAS 1.Investigation of spatiotemporal regularities of contemporary natural and climatic changes in Siberia (Prof. M.V. Kabanov) 2.Development of information modeling system for climate forming processes. (Prof. V.A. Krutikov) 3.Regularities and peculiarities in self-organization of geosystems and socio-economic systems in process of their interaction (Prof. A.V. Pozdnyakov) 4.Diversity structure in boreal forest ecosystems: assessment criteria, monitoring and forecast (Prof. A.G. Dyukarev) 5.Development of new methods, technologies and instruments based on optical, radiowave and acoustic phenomena (Prof. A.A. Tikhomirov)

BASIC RESEARCH PROJECTS of IMCES SB RAS International research programs 1.INTAS project: ATMOS web-portal for atmospheric environment (Prof. E.P. Gordov) 2. Project of the Sixth Framework Programme "Environmental Observations, Modelling and Information Systems Special Support Action. Enviromis-SSA" (Prof. E.P. Gordov) 3. Framework agreements on long-term cooperation and contracts with research organizations in Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, China, Kirgizstan.