Single CLICK The LEFT mouse button to advance. GP Patient Satisfaction Survey Dr G R Bhorchi, The Killingholme Surgery.


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Presentation transcript:

Single CLICK The LEFT mouse button to advance

GP Patient Satisfaction Survey Dr G R Bhorchi, The Killingholme Surgery

GP Patient Satisfaction Survey A GP assessment questionnaire was issued to 120 patients in early October completed forms were returned Representing a 80% participation

GP Patient Satisfaction Survey The questions related to 5 areas of the practice With a sixth section for who was seen and by whom

GP Patient Satisfaction Survey The following slides break the results up into sections. The scores for each question on each completed return are added up and then averaged over the number of completed returns. The resulting value is the average, for that question, for The Killingholme surgery Each answer is given a value of 1 to 7 depending if it is positive, negative or somewhere in-between e.g. 1 = positive, 4 = don’t know, 7 negative

GP Patient Satisfaction Survey Satisfaction with the Doctor is slightly lower then last time, with possible improvement in all areas "If you saw the GP" section How good was the GP at:-V GoodGood Satisfac tory PoorV PoorN/ABestActualWorst Last time Q1Putting you at ease? Q2Listening to you? Q3Giving you enough time? Q4Assessing your medical condition? Q5Explaining your condition & treatment? Q6Involving you in decisions about your care? Q7Providing or arranging treatment for you? YesNo Q11Would you be happy to see this Doctor again?

GP Patient Satisfaction Survey Medium to high performance with possible improvement in listening and an increase in allotted time "If you saw the Nurse Practioner/Nurse" section How good was the Nurse Practioner/Nurse at:-V GoodGood Satisfact ory PoorV PoorN/ABestActualWorst Last time Q8Putting you at ease? Q9Listening to you? Q10Giving you enough time? Q11Assessing your medical condition? Q12Explaining your condition & treatment? Q13Involving you in decisions about your care? Q14Providing or arranging treatment for you? YesNo Q15Would you be happy to see this Nurse Practioner/Nurse again?

GP Patient Satisfaction Survey A new category, so no previous benchmark. Good performance with improving awareness of delivery for housebound patients, but a slow uptake on online repeat service Pharmacy YesNo Q16Is the pharmacy important to you ? Q17Are the staff helpfull and courtious? Q18Do you get your perscriptions when you need them? Q19Are you aware of the perscriptoin delivery service for he housebound? Q20Do you use the online perscription service? Q21Do you come to the surgery for repeat persriptions? Q22Do you telephone for repeat perscriptions?

GP Patient Satisfaction Survey Good performance with improvement over previous survey. Reception and and ppointments Very HelpfulHelpfulFairly helpful Q23How helpful do you find the practice receptionists? Very easyFairly easyDifficult Q24How easy is it to contact the practice by phone? YesNo Never need to Q25If you need to see the GP urgently, can you normally be seen on the same day? Important Not Important Q26 How important is it to you to be able to book appointments ahead of time at the surgery? Very easyFairly EasyDifficult Q27How easy is it to book ahead at the practice? In personBy Phone Q28 How do you normally book appointments? Same day, next day 2-4 days 5 or more days Q29How quickly do you usually get an appointment with the GP, Nurse Practitoner, Nurse? Very goodGoodAveragePoorVery poor Q30How do you rate the appointment system? n/a <5min5-10min11-20min21-30min>30min Q31After arriving at the surgery, how long did you have to wait before the consultation? n/a

GP Patient Satisfaction Survey Improvement in patients understanding their health problems with patient recommendation improved over last survey General Very wellUnsureNot very well Q32 How well does this practice help you understand your health problems? YesNoDon't know Q33 Would you recommend the surgery to someone who has moved into the area?

GP Patient Satisfaction Survey Patient Info The survey shows an even split between patients seeing the Doctor and patients seeing the Nurse/Nurse Practitioner for their own condition. 15% brought children to see the Doctor, Nurse Practitioner or Nurse. 50% didn’t respond to the question Doctor Nurse Practitioner NurseNothing written S1The person I saw today was : MyselfMy childOther Nothing Written S2The person I saw today wos for:

GP Patient Satisfaction Survey +ve Comments GP / Nurse Practitioner / Nurse comments Pharmacy Friendly people - Carol excellent Delivering weekly is a great convenience to me as I have no transport Very good Brilliant no problems. - Always been very friendly and helpful None at present, what I can say is it is better than previous practice As always a positive experience with both doctor and nurse Felt the whole practice is more relaxed generally and this may be influenced by the new doctor Nurse was very nice! As always a positive experience with both doctor and nurse

GP Patient Satisfaction Survey Reception & Appointments Very great help, lovely to speak to and can hold a conversation Friendly and helpful In comparison to medical centres in Grimsby the system here is excellent Very helpful and polite. 10 out of 10. Whenever I need an appointment it is usually the same day. Very impressed and very easy to use. Will help any requests happily All staff are friendly whilst retaining a professional manner I find all the staff are very good Always happy with the service More than happy to have this surgery to look after me Very pleased This surgery is very helpful and accommodating at all times- A very good and efficient run surgery

GP Patient Satisfaction Survey -ve Comments Sometimes when I call at 9am the phone line is engaged then by the time I get through sometimes there are no appointments left - when I try to book appointments in advance I'm always told to call on the day so I don't understand how by 9.10 there no appointments are left Longer opening hours as I sometimes struggle with work commit Soundproof the doctor's room as you can clearly hear what is being said when standing at reception

GP Patient Satisfaction Survey Results These averaged values are based on the 33 questions of the questionnaire. Best case score(All answers attracting a score of 1) 1.00 Worst case score (All answers attracting the maximun score) 4.02 This averaged value is based on the 46 questions of the 38 returned questionnaires Killingholme surgery =1.31 Thank you Previous survey = 1.44